2023 LCMS Convention: Some information on key topics

As the 2023 LCMS convention begins next week in Milwaukee, we wanted to provide our District with some information on two key topics that will be considered by delegates. These are complicated issues but very important for our District to understand.

Much has been written in recent publications about the situation surrounding Concordia University Texas (1st Issue of Today’s Business Resolution, 7-03) and the massive, proposed bylaw changes concerning the Concordia University System and Synod’s relationship with the Concordia Universities (1st Issue of Today’s Business, Resolutions 7-04 and 7-05). However, many may be unfamiliar with the full range of perspectives on these issues.

Today's Business

To assist you in becoming better informed on these complicated topics, see the links below to recent resources from Synod and video interviews conducted by PSD’s own Rev. Dr. Tim Ahlman, Pastor of Christ Greenfield Lutheran Church and School in Gilbert, AZ on his Unite Leadership Collective podcast. Take the time to prayerfully watch these videos and hear firsthand from the key participants on both sides of the discussion.

Concordia University System: Past, Present, Future

President Harrison discusses upcoming CUS conversations at 2023 Convention

"What Is Going on with the Concordia University System?" - with Christian Preus | Lead Time

Dr. Ahlman’s interview with Mr. Christian Preus, Chairman of the 2019 7-03 Task Force.

"A Conversational Response from CTX" with Pres. Don Christian and Provost Kristi Kirk | Lead Time

Dr. Ahlman’s interview with Dr. Don Christian, CTX President, and Dr. Kristi Kirk, CTX Provost.

Please be in prayer for those representing the Pacific Southwest District and all of our brothers and sisters participating at the LCMS Convention in Milwaukee.

In Christ,

President Mike Gibson 

Stay in the Know

Keep up with Convention proceedings by regularly checking the LCMS Convention Website.

LCMS National Convention | July 29-August 3, 2023 | Milwaukee - Wisconsin Center