Please join us for the Georgia March For Life, Memorial Service and Rally on Friday, Jan. 20, 2023 at Atlanta's Liberty Plaza across from the GA State Capitol.

We gather to mourn the more than 63 million children denied the right to life, and to pray for the women and men whose lives have been damaged by abortion. Families, friends, whole communities have been hurt by abortion – join us as we gather to pray for an end to the terrible scourge of abortion.

Announcing Our Keynote Speaker 

We are pleased to announce that Daphne Harris Nicely will be our keynote speaker at the noon memorial program. Daphne is the Founding Executive Director of the Atlanta Morning Center. 
Schedule of Events

1:00 PM: SILENT MARCH (Begins and ends at Liberty Plaza)

Program Participants

Ricardo Davis, President, Georgia Right to Life 
Daphne Harris Nicely, Executive Director, Atlanta Morning Center
Tim Echols, Public Service Commissioner 
Abbey Butte, 2022 GRTL Oratory Contest Winner
Carminthia Moore, Former PAC-Endorsed HR-45 Candidate 
Jay Andrews, BLEXIT GA
Abigail Darnell, Vice-President, Georgia Right to Life 
Zemmie Fleck, Executive Director, Georgia Right to Life 

New This Year -- Georgians Ending Abortion Rally After the March

Upon returning to Liberty Plaza after the silent march, marchers will assemble to hear from inspiring speakers at the Georgians Ending Abortion Rally. 

The "Georgians Ending Abortion" Personhood Amendment Petition: On June 27, 2022, Georgia Right to Life (GRTL) joined with conservative and grassroots organizations and community leaders calling on Governor Brian Kemp to convene a special session of the legislature in order to adopt a Personhood Amendment to the state constitution.

Sign the Petition to call Governor Kemp to immediately convene a special session of the Georgia General Assembly to pass a Personhood Amendment to the State Constitution; at

REGISTER: You can register for the rain or shine Friday, January 20, 12 Noon Memorial Program at

In the days and weeks ahead, mark your calendar and gather friends and family to join with you at the 2023 Georgia March for Life, Memorial Service and Rally at Liberty Plaza (Liberty Plaza is located across the street from the State Capitol on Capitol Avenue).

Be counted as one of thousands who cares enough to come to Atlanta to remember the millions of pre-born babies lost to abortion.
PARKING & DIRECTIONS: Directions to the Capitol and Liberty Plaza: Liberty Plaza is located at the corner of Martin Luther King and Capitol Avenue across from the Capitol. All parking is off site of Liberty Plaza.

The closest parking can be found at the Pete Hackney Parking Deck at 162 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive SE Atlanta, 30303. For more information, visit the 2023 Georgia March For Life page on the Georgia Right to Life website.

RAIN OR SHINE EVENT: The 2023 Georgia March For Life is a rain or shine event, there will be no cancellation due to inclement weather.