Hello NFR Open Contestant!

Congratulations on your qualification to the 2023 NFR Open to be held in Colorado Springs.

In preparation for the event, please click Here for additional information from the host committee. This includes information on: hotels, area attractions, Contestants stalls and RV/Trailer Hook-up reservation information and contestant ticketing information.

Contestant Check-in Information:

Please click Here for contestant competition schedule and check-in times. All check-ins will be at the Norris Penrose Arena, Contestant hospitality tent.

Contestant Companion tickets:

Each contestant will receive one (1) companion ticket for the days the contestant is scheduled to compete. Contestant will also be able to purchase up to 3 additional tickets at a discounted price only for the days they are competing. Companion and additional tickets WILL ONLY be available on-line. No tickets will be available onsite. Any contestant found purchasing tickets (companion or additional) for performances where they are not competing will have their ticket order cancelled in its entirety. Please see the Host Committee Information sheet (link above) for complete on-line ordering information.

Please click Here for the 2023 NFR Open Ground Rules.

Please do not hesitate to contact Therese Cobb, or your circuit president, if you have any questions (tcobb@prorodeo.com).