December 2023 NEWSLETTER

Dear Friends,

2023 was a very exciting year with events, installations and exhibitions in Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, and New York. (See photos below)

One of the highlights of the year was the restoration of the Dorothy Gillespie 1979 Wall Mural in Downtown Roanoke.

To watch the YouTube of the mural restoration video, click the link below:

Restoring a Masterpiece - Gillespie Mural in Downtown Roanoke

In 2023 many more of my mother's art was submitted into the Public Art Archive.

The Public Art Archive is a searchable database of completed public artworks from around the world. To date 52 locations of my mother's art around the country have been catalogued in the PAA. (See Gillespie Public Art below)

If you missed reading about these events, installations and exhibitions in 2023 click this link.

In next month's newsletter you will learn more about the full feature documentary titled Dorothy Gillespie: Independence, Courage and Color scheduled to premiere in Wilmington NC in April, and Roanoke and Orlando in May.

Wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy 2024!


Court House Cultural Center and Gallery in Stuart Florida

"Dorothy Gillespie: Works in Living Color"

February, 2023

New York Hall of Science in Queens, New York

"Dorothy Gillespie: Immersed in Color on Paper and Aluminum"

April, 2023

The Wilma W. Daniels Art Gallery in Wilmington NC

"Dorothy Gillespie: Selected Works from the Radford University Collection"

May, 2023

Art Galleries at the Cultural Arts Building (CAB) at UNCW

"Dorothy Gillespie: Portraits and Self- Portrait"

May 2023

The Art in Bloom Gallery in Wilmington NC

Dorothy Gillespie Art

July, 2023

Nepenthe Gallery, Alexandria Virginia

Dorothy Gillespie Art

October 2023

An iconic Dorothy Gillespie mural in downtown Roanoke, Virginia has been restored to its original vibrant colors. Restoration artists Jack Fralin and Dana James spent two weeks touching up "Accentuated Forms in Space," a mural painted in 1979.

To watch the YouTube of the mural restoration video, click the link below:

Restoring a Masterpiece - Gillespie Mural in Downtown Roanoke

Dorothy M. Gillespie Foundation

Public Art Archive