Proven User Group Conference Vol 4.6


On behalf of the User Group and Canam Systems, I would like to extend our deepest gratitude for your attendance at the recent Proven User Group Conference. Your presence and active participation were instrumental in enhancing the development of the Proven Software Applications (PSA) ERP system.

We appreciate the time and effort you each invested in attending the conference and sharing your invaluable insights and experiences with us. Your contributions to the discussions and networking sessions were incredibly valuable and helped to create a collaborative atmosphere that fostered innovation and growth. Thank you once again for your participation and for your ongoing support of our efforts to advance the systems and technology within the cleaning and restoration industry.

Most importantly thank you to our host, First Priority Restoration (Jennifer Russell, Anne Callender, & Kim Sizemore). We appreciate you!

Top Dev List

Meeting Content

Click the buttons on the left to view the PowerPoint presentation as well as the Top 28 User Group takeaways. The poll results are organized by type and have been sorted by development priority in order of importance.

Proven User Group Sub-Committees

A key takeaway from the 2023 Proven User Conference Group was the formation of sub-committees regarding important industry software needs. Through your advocacy, we have been able to establish sub-committees that are dedicated to addressing the unique needs of the User Group and its various stakeholders. This will allow us to gather valuable insights and feedback from a diverse range of users and assist in tailoring the PSA development roadmap to meet the needs of the User Group in a more strategic and intentional way. It is through collaboration and a shared commitment to excellence that we are able to continue to push the boundaries of what is possible with the Proven Software Applications ERP system.

Over the next several months, each Committee Chair representative will be responsible for hosting a virtual call for laying the foundation for User Group needs and then setting expectations for PSA Development next steps. Each sub-committee call is to be hosted by the Committee Chair representative and they will partner with various stakeholders (i.e., interested users of the topic, a member of the PSA Development Team, & a member of the PSA Training Team). The goal of the sub-committee meeting is to gather and organize user feedback to drive results for system development. Thank you to the following users for volunteering as a Committee Chair. If you see a topic of interest, please reach out to the Committee Chair to ensure you are included on meeting invites moving forward.

  1. Contract Logs/Change Order Logs/ Scope Change Management Committee Chair: Trent Anderson (
  2. Time Cards Re-Design Committee Chair: Taylor Carmichael (
  3. User Type Vocabulary Cohesiveness Committee Chair: Jennifer Russell (
  4. Material Procurement/Components Committee Chair: Karen Burkholder (
  5. Time & Materials Committee Chair: Greg Anapol (


For the #1 ranking suggestion from the User Group, Contract Logs/Change Order Logs/Scope Change Management, expect to receive a proposed development specification in your inbox on April 12th. Please review and submit your feedback to no later than April 19th. A finalized User Group proposed spec will be submitted to the PSA Development Team on April 24th. The remainder of the development specifications from the various committees will complete at various points throughout the rest of the year.


For the Committee Chairs and participants, thank you once again for your invaluable contribution. We look forward to working with you as we continue to improve and enhance PSA for the benefit of all users.

Previous Proven User Group Conference Content

  • 2022 Hosted by WrightWay Emergency Services: PowerPoint
  • 2021 Virtual User Group Meeting: Video
  • 2020 Virtual User Group Meeting: Video
  • 2019 Hosted by Southeast Restoration: PowerPoint
  • 2019 Hosted by Full Steam Ahead: PowerPoint

We are pleased to announce the re-instatement of User Group President, Greg Anapol. Greg is the advocate/implementor/integrator for BluSky's PSA utilization and is the original founder of the Proven User Group.

Greg grasps implications of critical issues and quickly institutes action plans that empowers teams, eliminates waste, improves efficiencies and establishes organizational accountability, rigor and discipline. He is a broad strategic thinker with a passionate, contagious energy that is acutely focused on growing customer-centric, innovative, “disruptive” paradigm shifts in business performance. Greg can be contacted at