Lifetouch will be on campus after school Thursday, March 2, beginning at 3:30 pm, to take individual and team pictures for the girls' varsity soccer team. Order forms will be coming home with your athlete today or tomorrow. Athletes will need to wear their soccer uniforms for individual and team pictures.
Parents can order photos two different ways:
Pre-order online (through 3/1)
- Those who choose to pre-order online will receive their package of photos in 2-3 weeks, delivered to GCA and sent home with your athlete.
- To pre-order, scan the QR code on the picture day form(s) sent home with your athlete. Extra forms are available in the GCA Office.
Send cash or check with your student on Picture Day
- Those who send cash or check on picture day will receive their package of photos in 2-3 weeks, delivered to GCA and sent home with your athlete.
- Complete the picture day order form(s) and enclose cash or check payment. Your athlete will need to hand the form and payment to the photographer.
Please contact the GCA Office with any questions.