Kick-Off Day

Welcome to the 100 Miles 100 Days Challenge


The top prize and monthly winners are drawn randomly. All individual that have completed the miles needed per each date are included.


  • $250 Top prize
  • Prizes for most miles walked
  • Monthly prize winners

We can’t believe it’s March 1st and for the first time in forever, the predicted snow missed us! This is a sign that it’s time to get active again!!!


Remember the goal is to walk every day; sometimes illness or traveling prevents that, but you must walk at least 5 days per week, for a total of at least 7 miles to receive credit for that week.



Keep track of your miles and log them online on weeks 5, 10, and 14. Don’t worry, you will get a reminder message when they are due.

Click here to download the tracking log.

Conversion Chart

Please click here to see the conversion chart for those who want to substitute running, biking, hiking, swimming and aerobics for walking.


Watch for weekly emails and updates on our RVHN Facebook page for activity tips.

 Please contact your Marketing Managers at each facility with questions.

Angel Molden

320-289-8504 [email protected]

Kristyn Wicht


[email protected]

Andrew Thole

320-698-7199 Ext. 7278

[email protected]

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