Winter Newsletter 2023

Seasons Greetings!

Great Shape! Inc. has so much to CELEBRATE in 2023!

At the top of our list is 20 years of unprecedented and unparalleled partnership with Sandals Foundation to deliver healthcare and education to the Caribbean. A tremendous partnership for "all that's good."

This year, we smashed all previous records and served more in need than ever before:

  • Sight-saving eye care to more than 5,850
  • Smile-saving & pain-relieving dental care and education to over 24,000
  • Literacy support to 8,000 children and families
  • 3,345 teaching hours to Jamaican educators

Thank you for showing up for Great Shape! Inc. Whether you volunteered for a week in challenging work conditions, gifted toothbrushes or school supplies, shared your hard-earned coco, or sponsored a humanitarian hero, YOU are a star in this celebration.

We are overwhelmed with gratitude for your support and dedication to our nonprofit. We have come so far from our duffle bag days, and it is because of you.

We are buzzing with excitement for what is to come. With you by our side, Great Shape! Inc's future is limitless. We are ready to soar in '24!

Most email providers clip this email, so be sure to click "view entire message" below to see the entirety of our newsletter.

As we walk these final stepping stones through 2023 together and peer into the mist of 2024, I am reminded of the fragility of life and I am grateful for the wisdom given us from our ancestors. Wisdom that guides our understanding that everything we do in our finite lifetime matters. Every smile has a ripple effect of kindness. Every laugh we elicit becomes a wave of joy. Every time we care for another human being, it passes through them and on to others without us even knowing. For love creates love. Kindness spreads more kindness. And compassion is what binds us in our humanity.  

So my New Year Wish for you is that you take a quiet magic moment during this holiday season to reflect on the wisdom your elders left behind for you. I hope you find gratitude and peace in a year well-lived. And I wish you find passion and curiosity for the year ahead - filled with love, wonder and laughter. Happy Holidays and a Blessed New Year. 

One Love, 

Papa Joe

And the Great Shape! Family

Big UP Sandals Foundation!

Celebrating 20 yrs of 1000 Smiles... and an extraordinary partnership for "all that's good."

~ The Sandals Foundation created the above, beautiful advertorial in November to commemorate our 20 years of partnership in healthcare. ~

We proudly call Sandals Foundation and Sandals Resorts Intl. our #1 partner and sponsor. 

Together, we have improved the lives of more than 300,000 in the Caribbean with free healthcare and education. Each volunteer, whether international or local, medical or non-medical, has left an indelible mark. Thousands of you have freely given your time, energy, resources, and heart for over two decades. Each of you has a different personal story that led you to Great Shape! Inc., each is dedicated to the belief that we can and will leave this world a little better than how we found it. That is worthy of this gratitude and celebration!

“Great Shape! Inc. is a partnership that I am most proud of because we are able to see the real difference that is made in the lives of families in an instant. My goal behind creating the Sandals Foundation was to build a framework for establishing and nurturing collaborations that would provide our communities with sustainable solutions. I am also extremely proud that, for 20 years, we have touched the lives of over 300,000 Caribbean people through our philanthropic efforts. Thank you to the Sandals Foundation family and Great Shape! Inc.’s supporters and volunteers for your dedicated efforts. I look forward to our continued work together to transform lives and inspire hope.”

- Adam Stewart, CD, Hon. LLD, President, Sandals Foundation

Click the image above or the button below to read about what makes our partnership so magnificent. 

Read More

OMFS residents sponsored by Envista pictured left to right: Victoria Keir, Emily Snodgrass, Brandon Oks, Dr. Gary Orentlicher, Greg Cooke, and Brendan Gallager

This year, five senior OMFS (oral and maxillofacial surgery) residents from four different OMFS residency training programs participated on 1000 Smiles Jamaica Week 7 thanks to the Envista Smile Project. Envista/Nobel Biocare fully sponsored the residents' trip.

We are thrilled to add Envista/Nobel Biocare as our newest partner.

Sincere gratitude to Dr. Gary Orentlicher, 5 year vet of 1000 Smiles, and OMFS himself. He made the introduction and helped facilitate this new partnership.

We look forward to continuing this collaboration and can't wait to welcome more residents in the coming years.

Click here to read more about how this partnership came to fruition and some moving testimonials from residents who participated this year.


In 2023, Henry Schein Cares donated some $150,000 worth of consumable dental supplies to the 1000 Smiles Dental Project. This donation of gloves and needles and composite and bibs and all the things our volunteers need to do their work has been an immense help.  The generous donation is especially impactful because it equips our volunteers, making it easier for them to help those in great need. Thank you Henry Schein Cares for this amazing support! 


Great Shape! and DCI hail from the same state of Oregon. We are especially proud that Oregon's own dental parts manufacturer is our #1 equipment sponsor. In 2023, DCI donated over $20,000 worth of dental units and sterilizer parts to keep our equipment running and humming so volunteers can focus on what they do best: improve people's smiles and lives! Thank you DCI for this huge donation that is absolutely critical to the success of our programs. 


In 2023, Pulpdent made a major donation of sealant materials, especially Embrace, to both our Jamaica and Eastern Caribbean regions in support of our special "Sealant Projects". The Jamaican sealant project and the brand new Seal Grenada project focus on preventing cavities in young children with the goal of giving them healthier teeth as the grow into adulthood. We can't say thank you enough to Pulpdent for this major and very important donation to our work! 

Superstar volunteers and supporters, Tracy & Walt Mason, hosted Great Shape! Inc.’s first ever Charity Golf Tournament on May 6, 2023 in Casa Grande, AZ.

BIG UP to the Masons who raised about $10K!

Click here to read more about our inaugural golf tournament.

Golfers and Great Shape! friends, family, volunteers, and supporters mark your calendars for April 27th, 2024 for what will be another fun day in the sunshine of AZ! 

We lovingly dedicate all of our projects and those served in 2023 to the memory of Jill Stewart, wife of Adam Stewart, CD, Hon. LLD, President, Sandals Foundation. Light and love to Adam, their three children, and the Stewart family.

The Bahamas

This was the first year the iCARE project delivered greatly needed vision care to Exuma, Bahamas!

Our inaugural visit proved a huge success as we served 28% of the total population.

The first day of clinic was a busy one as it was a public holiday. Our volunteer team worked long hours to serve as many patients as possible.

A team of 46 Americans and Canadians served the Exuma community with full eye exams, glasses, medications, and hypertension/diabetes screening at the Sandals Emerald Bay Ballroom.

Stats for the week:

  • 1976 eye exams
  • 854 health screenings
  • 1800 reading glasses distributed
  • 2450 sunglasses distributed
  • 32.6% of patients examined required prescription glasses

Steven Stern, iCARE Director and volunteers: Jamita Yizar-Stith, Dr. Gary Knowles, and Dr. Roseann Knowles returned to the Bahamas in November to distribute the prescription glasses needed by 642 of our patients.

To see a slide show of the clinic week, or read our annual report, click the button below.

iCARE Bahamas 2023 Report

iCARE had a fantastic two weeks of service in Jamaica in 2023!

Our team consisted of 80 Americans and Canadians over the course of two weeks. We hosted clinics at Open Bible Church - Savanna-la-Mar, Westmoreland and Shiloh Apostolic Church - Mango Valley, St. Mary, also Beaches Ochi and schools.

Our 5-person team also conducted a week of surgery at Cornwall Hospital in Montego Bay, St. James.

Patients in great need received full eye exams, glasses (reading,

sun, & prescription), pathology referrals, medications, cataract and MIG (minimally invasive glaucoma) surgery, PRP (panretinal photocoagulation) laser procedures for diabetic retinopathy, and hypertension/diabetes screenings.

In St. Mary, we sent teams to Boscobel All Age, Exchange All Age, and Mango Valley Basic schools to screen a combined 393 children. Those with issues were referred to our main clinic in Mango Valley for further treatment. Additionally, we conducted a two-hour clinic Tuesday evening at Beaches Ochi to serve 53 employees unable to travel to our Mango Valley clinic.

2023 Jamaica Highlights:

  • 15 years serving the Caribbean!
  • 3807 patients served
  • 672 pairs of glasses
  • 1400+ diabetes and hypertension screenings
  • These patients educated on how to improve their health, and received referrals to local doctors

Since 2009, iCARE has provided 30 weeks of clinics, 7 weeks of cataract/MIG surgeries, and served more than 56,700 with free eye care services, blood pressure, and blood sugar screenings!

For more stories, click the videos to view our slideshow or the button below to read our annual report.

iCARE Jamaica 2023 Report

iCARE Jamaica 2023 Slideshow

Since 2008, SuperKids has boosted literacy in partnership with our Jamaican schools. 2023 served as the second season for students at Brompton Primary, New Hope Primary, and Savanna la Mar Primary.

In addition, small-group Language Arts instruction took place for the second year with 51 volunteers offering targeted instruction to 178 students. The focus being on foundational reading, fluency,

and comprehension skills.

To make the most impact, each school identified students one-two years below grade level, and that the school believed could make meaningful progress with two weeks of additional support.

After two weeks, the overall improvement for the three schools was 18.2%.

Volunteers also offered whole-class Literacy Enrichment Programs in Computer Literacy, Science, Art, and Music. In total, SuperKids 2023 volunteers

interacted with over 1,000 students across three school sites.

The Impact:

  • 8000 children and families served thru distributions:
  • 15,000 books
  • 350 computers
  • 15,000 lbs of school supplies, art supplies & sports equipment

Our computer team installed and refurbished computers at 29 locations which provide priceless access to thousands of Jamaican children.

Volunteers also replaced large high school labs: Green Island High (1), Black River High (2), and Ruseas High (1). Black River High was in desperate need, where we replaced 15 year old computers. Ruseas High had an awesome lab completely setup with new desks, cabling and power, but they didn't have any computers. They were thrilled to receive computers for their lab.

SuperKids 2023 Annual Report

2023 marked our 12th year of computer skills instruction, and 8th year of language arts and behavior management.

This year we were hosted by Ocho Rios High School in Ocho Rios.

During the 14 days in the classroom,

volunteers from the U.S., Canada and Jamaica provided 3345 continuing education hours to a wide variety of educators. Basic, Primary and High School teachers attended as well as school counselors, security

officers, Deans of Discipline, Vice Principals, and other administrators.

Each week 89 Jamaican educators and others interested in education attended the three-week workshops.

Language Arts (Week 1 & 2): three instructional teams appropriate to grade level. Units provided based on feedback from previous Jamaican attendees and the MInistry of Education and Youth.

Week 2, Behavior Management focused primarily on the difference in student behavior post-Covid. Practical skills and strategies were shared with teachers to create a more productive learning environment. We placed an emphasis on the students' particular social and emotional needs so that behavior doesn't become a barrier to learning.

Numeracy (Week 1 & 2): This year instructors included master mathematician teachers trained in techniques from Harvard School of Education.

Both Weeks, Computer Training: the focus for this year's class once

again targeted developing online resources and the use of online web apps.

New in 2023: Teach the Teachers was lucky to have an Autism and ADHD specialist from Canada provide instruction for a week about students with special education needs.

TtT 2023 Annual Report

Saint Lucia

Our team set a new project record in St. Lucia by serving 1,341 people in '23!

The team was smaller with just 56 volunteers in all, but it was well balanced with an oral surgeon, endodontist, pediatric dentist, and two general dentists. They accomplished so much in the two weeks.

We were so grateful to have Mt. Hood Community College students and their supervisors join us once again. They beat the record for the number of cleanings in one week!

1000 Smiles served, the

Ciceron community outside of Castries and the families of the idyllic fishing village of Canneries.

It's been eight years since we served the fishing village of Canneries so they were thrilled to see our team back. Big up to St. Cloud Community College who provided greatly needed care to this community.

Scroll past the bottom of this email and click "view entire message" below to see the rest of our newsletter

Project Stats:

  • 3766 procedures (cleanings, fillings, extractions, etc.)
  • $713,270 the total value of the project.
  • 3800 toothbrushes, floss and paste distributed

We also provided four days of services to 56 patients at the Bordelais Correctional Facility, St Lucia’s only prison. The need for services is always great there. For our volunteers, the work is always very meaningful.

For the full scoop and a very heartwarming story about a patient that Papa Joe personally brought to the clinic, click below to read the project report.

Saint Lucia 2023 Report

Turks & Caicos

1000 Smiles had another successful project serving 4280 people, including patients and children in our oral health education program

We saw the largest number of volunteers yet in Turks, with a team size of 130 from the US, Canada, Jamaica, Grenada, and beyond. They provided life-saving dental care to thousands over the course of two weeks.

Impact by the numbers:


  • 5577 procedures provided
  • 13,478 toothbrushes, paste, and floss distributed
  • $1.3M USD - Total value of the program

We operated over five clinics to ensure we expanded service to our most needed communities. This level of operation took the careful coordination and dedication of the Pastor of the Curch of God of Prophecy, Pastor Wesley Missick, the local dental nurses, and dentists, the Ministry of Health, Beaches Turks & Caicos, and the 1000 Smiles Eastern Caribbean leadership team.


This year marked our 4th year serving the Spice Island!

Highlights included working in National Cricket Stadium once again as our primary clinic site. Our team of nearly 100 volunteers worked tirelessly to provide greatly needed dental care to 1,788 patients.

In addition, we launched an exciting new initiative spearheaded by the Grenada Dental Association called "Seal Grenada."

Seal Grenada was planned and organized by a committee comprised of local and

international members from different dental organizations. The program provided sealants, fluoride application and other services to children in five primary schools in the parish of St. David.

The team was based at the Corinth Primary School and the turn out was overwhelming! Special thanks to Leanne Rodine, Bev Woods and Dr. Dubois for leading our inaugural Seal Grenada project.


In 2023, 1000 Smiles ran for 8 weeks in the summer to late fall and delivered free dental care services to six different parishes.

426 volunteers saved the smiles of nearly 16.5K in Jamaica!

We were blessed to host a mix of dedicated veteran volunteers and enthusiastic new dental teams and volunteers. We were also so grateful for our dental student and dental hygiene student programs that joined us.

Big UP to OIT Klamath Falls, Midwestern - AZ, Midwestern - IL, University of Western Ontario, UCLA, UW, University of the Pacific, and St. Petersburg.

We were also thrilled to have our first group of dental therapy students join us from Skagit Valley!

Spring Sealant

In mid-April a team of 32 served 391 students with sealants, cleanings, and exams.

Special thanks to Pacific University dental hygiene students and Henry Schein Cares who made this sealant project so successful.

The full dental project reports will be coming in the new year.. stay tuned!

"Coco" Lucius Gilbert

Coco is a dental equipment technician that has been working with Great Shape! Inc. for the past 8 years now in Saint Lucia on the 1000 Smiles dental project.

When asked what his favorite part of working with Great Shape! is he said: "My favorite part is when I am with my team members putting heads together, creating plans to execute tasks, enjoy ourselves while at work, taking care of one another, and creating memories. Or getting to see different parts of the world. Thankful for those. But I just love seeing the service we are here to give to those in need, you know, and the love they give back and appreciation."

"I do everything in my power to ensure that I give full support in every department possible to have a smooth operation at the clinics."

Ashley Bingham

Ashley started working with Great Shape! in April 2023 as the Supplies/Admin personnel, where she says she "had the chance of understanding how the project really came together." Papa Joe then promoted Ashley to the Supplies Coordinator position in Jamaica. 

When asked about her favorite part of working with Great Shape!, she said, "My favorite part is having different cultures mix in one shared space and just giving back, wholeheartedly, to the community that desires the service."

Meet the newest little Great Shape! 'ers to join our ever-growing family!

Caprē Elizabeth Marie Clarke

(6 months)

Daughter of Shantelle Clarke

Born: June 12, 2023

Kehlani Gilbert

(3 months)

Daughter of "Coco" Lucius Gilbert

Born: September 13, 2023

We are looking forward to serving even more families during our project season in 2024!

Join one (or more) of these fun and deeply meaningful projects. Serve with us!

Registration to begin Feb. '24

Stay tuned to our website and your email for future announcements.

Email us to be added to the announcement list.

Join our Sustainers Club

During this season of giving, please consider a gift to Great Shape! prior to the end of the year. 

Help us continue to deliver access to life-changing healthcare and education for years to come.

Donate Now
If you'd like to mail a check in lieu of an online donation...
Please make checks payable to: Great Shape! Inc.

Mail to:
Great Shape! Inc.
Attn: One One Coco
4120 Dale Rd Ste J-8 #183
Modesto, CA 95356

As always "every likkle bit" helps! We're so grateful for those who've already joined this esteemed "group of givers".

For the donation to count for 2023, please donate by Sunday, December 31st.

93% of every dollar goes straight to our humanitarian projects in the Caribbean.

If you'd like to donate prescription glasses, school supplies, dental equipment, etc. email our office.

Our One One Coco campaign will continue through 2024 and will end January 18th.

BIG UP to our #1 Partner & Sponsor...
The Sandals Foundation & Sandals and Beaches Resorts International!!
  • Jamaican Ministries of Health and Education
  • Ministry of Education Youth & Information (MOEY)
  • National Education Trust
  • Negril Environmental & Education Trust (NEET)
  • Travellers Resort in Negril
  • Soles4Souls
  • Sunday Afternoons
  • JUTA
  • The National Healthcare Enhancement Foundation Limited
  • Grenada Ministry of Health
  • Grenada Medical and Dental Council
  • Grenada – Allied Health Council
  • Turks and Caicos Islands Ministry of Health, Agriculture, and Human Services
  • Turks and Caicos Islands Health Professions Authority
  • Bahamas Ministry of Health and Wellness
  • Bahamas Ministry of Tourism
  • Henry Schein Cares
  • DMC and Michael Carabash
  • International College of Dentistry
  • DCI
  • ADEC

  • Rota-Dent
  • Envista Smile Project
  • Orasure Technologies
  • Pulpdent
  • Rotary International
  • Rotary Club of Lucea, Jamaica
  • Valplast
  • Seaboard Marine
  • Seacor
  • Caribtrans Logistics
  • Caribbean Airlines
  • Action Shipping
  • Let it Shine Media
  • Spokane Valley Screen Printing
  • Colgate
  • Illinois College of Optometry
  • Ohio State University
  • Hillsborough Community College
  • SEE International
  • Sight is a Right
  • Essilor Vision Foundation
  • americares
  • Drs. Jenna and Travis Zigler, Eye Believe Foundation
  • Michael Walach & Quest Vision Care Specialty Lab
  • National Vision
  • Restoring Vision
  • Hispaniola Cares
  • VOSH & SVOSH International
As always, thank you for doing your part to support our mission to provide access to free health care and education to children and families throughout the Caribbean.

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