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December 2023

As is our custom, we are using our final newsletter of the year to reflect back on our most popular blog entries from the last twelve months. Enjoy your favorites again and check out the ones you missed.

Best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season!



5. Pinkalicious

Pinkalicious is a funny and cute book, but it is problematic in certain ways. If your child is going to read it, an accompanying and clarifying conversation will be important in order to mitigate harm. Read More

4. Gentle Nutrition

Given that we may suffer whatever ailment we hope to avoid regardless of our best efforts to steer clear of it, we have to consider the lengths that we are willing to go to – and what we are willing to sacrifice – in hopes of reducing our risk. Read More

3. Being Your Own Advocate at the Doctor's Office

Over the years, I have worked with a number of patients on advocating for themselves in medical settings. In most cases, these strategies are successful, leading to the patient receiving respectful, weight-neutral care. I thought it could be helpful to share these strategies with our readers. Read More

2. Pancakes

“One day, you will have a baby boy who will love you,” my patient said, “and then he will grow up to hate you. But then one day he will love you again and say, ‘Hey, Dad, let’s go out to breakfast, just us guys,’ and then you will go to Bickford’s, and you will have an apple pancake, too.” Read More

1. When Family and Friends Lose Weight

It can be hard to watch others receive the praise and acceptance that often comes along with their “weight loss journeys.” It’s difficult to watch these folks gain more and more privilege while we remain in bodies that often put us at a disadvantage in our fatphobic society. So what are we supposed to do with all of these feelings?  Read More

Soolman Nutrition LLC | (781) 433-0470 | info@soolmannutrition.com

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