Moor Art 1 ~ Alternate Wednesdays
Moor Art 2 ~ Monthly Weekend
If you find, as I am sure you will that you enjoy the 'Beginners Drawing Course' then why not join in with either Moor Art 1 or Moor Art 2, my two on-going art groups, which have been running for nearly 15 years now.
These on-going drawing and painting sessions, embrace a wide variety of techniques and processes all drawing from my own extensive experience in art and design. Drawing from still-life, working in abstraction, collaborative projects, collage, using oils, acrylics, and dry colouring media are all considered through the projects that I set. Some projects are quick and may be for one session only while other projects may last the full 6 sessions. We will often reference artists and it is in the understanding of artwork that we can learn about art. Although homework is encouraged it is not expected. It is more about learning and having fun.
We will begin the new term in 2024 by going back to the basics of drawing and from the studies undertaken develop ideas further into larger scale drawings and then colour studies.
Join us by Booking
HERE for Moor Art 1
Moor Art 1 meets fortnightly on a Wednesday throughout the year.
Course costs £35 per session payable in advance for 6 sessions = £210. If a student misses a session they may attend the other group on the weekend to make up for the missed session, if space allows.
HERE for Moor Art 2
Moor Art 2 meet for a weekend monthly for 9 weekends per year.
Course costs £35 per session payable in advance for 6 session (3 weekends per term) = £210. The same arrangement applies for when students miss a session, they can join in with Moor Art 1 space permitting.
There are currently SPACES in both groups, but could my existing students PLEASE BOOK NOW so I am sure of how many places there are availble in each group.