EVENING AT ANNUNCIATION --- Sat, Jan. 13 --- Registration Due Tomorrow! (Mon, Jan. 8) Register & Pay at https://tinyurl.com/2024EveningAnnun See flyer for more details.
Cally will present on her trip to Constantinople in the Media Room after Coffee Social. All parishioners are welcome. Archons from the Ecumenical Patriarchate will also be present.
BLESSING OF LAKE MICHIGAN --- Sun, Jan. 14 at 2:30pm --- Organized by MOCCA
His Eminence Metropolitan Nathanael will preside. Invite others as well. See flyer for details.
PARISH-WIDE SURVEY for Strategic Planning --- OPENS Mon, Jan. 15 --- See flyer for link. We want to hear from you during this important part of our Strategic Planning process. Instructions on how to complete the survey will come next week before its launch – STAY TUNED!
NEW MEMBER SUNDAY --- Sun, Jan. 21 --- During Coffee Social
Join us for our annual New Member Sunday. We will welcome and honor all new members of all ages who have joined our church community as new stewards during 2023. If you have any questions or need further information, please reach out to Grace Busse 262-613-1883.
GOYA BOWLING --- Sun, Jan. 21 --- Meet at Bluemound Bowl in Brookfield at 1:00pm.
RSVP: Helene tzougros@gmail.com or Kim Kimmamalakis@yahoo.com.
To purchase the weekend meal plan, go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2024-western-region-family-basketball-tournament-tickets-734944126667?aff=oddtdtcreator. All rosters will be reviewed by the Tournament Committee & Father Ciprian to validate that requirements are met.
IOCC TAILGATE EVENT --- Sat, Feb. 10 --- 6:00pm/preceded by Vespers at 5:00pm
Register online: iocc.org/Milwaukee See flyer for more details.
YAL CHICAGO CONFERENCE 2024 --- Fri-Mon, Feb. 16-19 --- Hyatt Regency O’Hare Chicago
This conference is an opportunity for Orthodox Christian young adults, ages *18-35, to come together in faith, fellowship, worship, and service. Tickets are still available. Use the following link to register: https://chicago.goarch.org/yalconference24-register/
TASTE OF GREECE --- Feb. 24-25 --- Sat. 11:00am-8:00pm/Sun. 11:00am-5:00pm
See flyer below for details.
Elia Sotiros fell asleep in the Lord in Savannah, GA on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 at the age of 87. The Funeral Service at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church will be on Wednesday, January 10, 2024, at 11:00am, with visitation preceding at 10:00am. May his soul rest in peace among the saints and may his memory be eternal!
ROOF/STAIRS/PLAZA PROJECT --- Donate NOW! Goal must be reached by Mon, Jan. 15
$189,279.87 RECEIVED as of Jan. 5, 2024. Whether you already are a pledged steward or not, we invite you to donate generously toward this much needed work. Donations can be made by check or online. For details, speak with Norm Eckstaedt, Dean Copoulos, or Johnny Koremenos.
Incoming Parish Council Members --- Bob Busse, Bob Kobza, Cally Kobza, Johnny Koremenos, George Mistrioty, George Panagiotopoulos, Maria Pandazi, George Papachristou, Greg Papachristou, Ted Spyres, Michael Stavropoulos, Peter Vehmas, Gene Wright.
Coffee Social 2024 --- Thank you to those who have already signed up to host the Coffee Social in January. We have 1 Sunday in January that needs a host – Jan. 28. Email or call Rebecca to volunteer: rebeccaluft@annunciationwi.org or 414-279-0379.
Blessing of Homes & Businesses --- Please contact Elias Pagones, Father’s pastoral assistant, to arrange a time. eliaspagones@annunciationwi.org or 414-279-0377.