PARISH SURVEY --- OPEN NOW! --- CLOSES Fri, Jan. 26, 2024!
Thank you to all who have taken the survey already, but if you haven’t had a chance yet, please do so as soon as possible – it only takes 10-15 minutes and we really want to hear from you! This Parish Survey, crafted by our Strategic Planning Committee, will help us assess various aspects of our parish life and we invite you to take a few moments to share your opinions and perspectives. Read more about the survey in the flyer and use this link to complete the survey online https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/AnnunciationSurvey2024. After the analysis of the survey results, we will be forming our Vision Teams and hope you will consider serving on one.
To purchase the weekend meal plan, go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2024-western-region-family-basketball-tournament-tickets-734944126667?aff=oddtdtcreator.
IOCC TAILGATE EVENT --- Sat, Feb. 10 --- 6:00pm/preceded by Vespers at 5:00pm
Register online: iocc.org/Milwaukee. See flyer for more details.
ROOF/STAIRS/PLAZA CELEBRATION --- Sun, Feb. 11 --- 10:30am
A celebratory coffee social to mark the reaching (and surpassing!) our 225k fundraising goal for the next phase of the stabilization project. This is funded and underwritten by a private donor and no donor funds are being used. Thanks, more details to come!
PHILOPTOCHOS GENERAL MEETING --- Sun, Feb. 11 --- 12:00pm --- Media Room
Join us after Coffee Social for our General Meeting in the Media Room. This meeting is open to all members and to anyone interested in seeing what Philoptochos is all about.
TASTE OF GREECE --- Feb. 24-25 --- Sat. 11am-8pm/Sun. 11am-5pm - See flyer for details.
ROOF/STAIRS/PLAZA PROJECT --- We are happy to announce that we reached and exceeded our goal of $225,000 by 01/15/2024 – our Parish Assembly contingency to proceed with all aspects of the Roof/Stairs/Plaza Project. As of Fri, Jan. 19, 2024, we received a total of $250,726.87 from 137 families who chose to answer the call to help Annunciation meet its important safety and maintenance needs - Thank you! All money collected during this fundraising campaign will be applied to the roof/stairs/plaza project and donations in excess of the $225,000 goal will allow the church to retain more money in its savings account. To celebrate this accomplishment, an anonymous parishioner has offered and insisted on donating a Celebration Breakfast which has been scheduled for Sun, Feb. 11, after the Divine Liturgy in the Grand Hall of the Cultural Center.
PARISH COUNCIL 2024 --- The Parish Council and officers for 2024 are: Gregory Papachristou (President), Johnny Koremenos (Vice-President), George Panagiotopoulos (Treasurer), George Papachristou (Asst. Treasurer), Cally Kobza (Secretary), Maria Pandazi (Asst. Secretary), Bob Busse, Bob Kobza, George Mistrioty, Ted Spyres, Michael Stavropuolos, Peter Vehmas, and Gene Wright. Thank you to Michael Stavropoulos who reached his consecutive term limit for serving as the Parish Council President and congratulations to our new officers.
If anyone is interested in advertising in the tournament ad book, use this link:
BOOK DRIVE --- Now thru Sun, Mar. 3 --- The Sunday School is collecting books for Next Door’s Books for Kids program. Place your gently used children’s books in the box near the restrooms in the Sunday School wing. Acceptable children’s and adolescents’ books include: baby board books, picture books, children or adolescent fiction/non-fiction books, dictionaries, cookbooks, universal themes (friendship, animals, science, etc.), multicultural, and parenting books.
The Church Tour Committee is looking for extra volunteers during the Taste of Greece weekend (Feb. 24 & 25). We will be open for visitors until 5:00pm both Saturday and Sunday. The volunteers would be asked to stand around the church, welcome visitors, and answer a few questions with the help of the regular tour committee. Please contact Cathy Spyres, spycath@aol.com, for more information.
COFFEE SOCIAL 2024 --- Thank you to those who have already signed up to host the Coffee Social in January. We have 1 Sunday in January that needs a host – Jan. 28. Email or call Rebecca to volunteer: rebeccaluft@annunciationwi.org or 414-279-0379.
BLESSING OF HOMES & BUSINESSES --- Please contact Elias Pagones, Father’s pastoral assistant, to arrange a time. eliaspagones@annunciationwi.org or 414-279-0377.
STEWARDSHIP --- The 2023 giving statements have been mailed or emailed. If you did not receive one by Jan. 29, please contact Sarah. The 2024 Stewardship Pledge Form is available at this link: https://tinyurl.com/annunciation-2024-pledge, on our website, the QR Code in the form below, or print format. You can still fulfill your 2023 Stewardship pledge with a 2024 donation. Stewardship and other donations can be made online at https://tinyurl.com/annunciation-give-now. For 2024, we have 97 pledged stewards who have pledged $160,523.60. As of Thu, Jan. 18, 2024, we have received $23,045.00.
INVITATION TO REALM --- Watch your email for your invite to join Realm, our church community software. Click on the link, create a password, and you are all set to log into our Realm website on your computer or connect via your mobile device using the REALM CONNECT App. You will have access to your Giving Statements, register for Events, and see Announcements.