Welcome, Educators, to 2024-2025!

Back-to-school is here! The B-HERO Team hopes this message finds you rejuvenated and ready for another incredible school year!

Mandated Reporter Training

Mandated Reporter Training is required for all educators in the state each calendar year. If not built into your back-to-school professional learning agenda, consider sharing the link to the Prevent Child Abuse North Dakota website

that hosts online training:


All educators are provided with a certificate after completing training.

Trauma-Informed Back-to-School Tips

A new year calls for a refresh of some small things educators can do to support students' transition back into the classroom. Consider sharing the slides below with your building educators as they welcome students into the new year.

Strategies like "My name is" can help jumpstart

classroom relationship building right away!

Link to Google Slides:

Trauma-Informed Back-to-School Tips - Google Slides

Link to PowerPoint:

Trauma-Informed Back-to-School Tips - PowerPoint

Does this message find you in a

new building this year?

Let us know through this link so we can ensure the right Behavioral Health Resource Coordinator is listed for your current and previous buildings.

As always-- find more Resources & Upcoming Event information at b-hero.org!


To engage K-12 Behavioral Health Resource Coordinators in training, technical assistance, and opportunities to facilitate connections.  


All school personnel will develop the knowledge and skills to support the health and wellbeing of every student and family. 

Central Regional Education Association