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September 12th, 2024

Collectively, we nurture and inspire all learners to thrive socially, emotionally and academically in an equitable and inclusive community. - SL School Mission

St. Louis Park Public Schools sees, inspires, and empowers each learner to live their brilliance in an environment that centers student voice and experience to create racially equitable learning that energizes and enhances the spirit of our community. - SLP School District Mission

Mr. Clarence Pollock ~

Proud Principal

Mr. Arsenio Richardson ~

Elementary Support Supervisor

Hispanic Heritage Month: Hispanic Heritage Month runs from Sept.15 to Oct.15, and provides us an opportunity to honor and recognize the significant contributions of Hispanic and Latino people in our society. It is with great appreciation of the resilience, creativity, and innovation of each individual and the gifts they bring to our school community. 

First PTO Meeting ~ Tuesday, September 17th from 6:15-8:00 PM Media Center

All are welcome! Come hear from Superintendent, Dr. Hines and Assistant Superintendent, Dr. Mobley along with Principal Pollock.

Clarence Pollock, Proud Principal

Arsenio Richardson, Elementary Support Supervisor

Clarence Pollock, Susan Lindgren Principal

952-928-6699 ~ pollock.clarence@slpschools.org

Arsenio Richardson, Susan Lindgren Elementary Support Supervisor

952-928-6660 ~ richardson.arsenio@slpschools.org

Jane Watts, Susan Lindgren Administrative Assistant to the Principal

952-928-6698 ~ watts.jane@slpschools.org

  • Tuesday, September 17th ~ FIRST PTO Meeting All Are Welcome and Invited to Attend! 6:15-8:00 PM Media Center

  • Tuesday, October 1st- School Picture Day

  • Tuesday, October 1st~ Susan Lindgren Fall Festival 5:00-7:00 PM SL Playground

  • Thursday, October 3 No School ~ Rosh Hashanah

  • Friday, October 4th - Monday, October 14th SLP Read$ School Fundraiser

  • Tuesday, October 15 ~ Family Connections (3:00 - 7:00 PM)

  • Wednesday, October 16 ~ Family Connections (7:20 AM - 3:20 PM)
  • No School - Wednesday, October 16 ~ Family Connections

  • No School-Thursday, October 17 & Friday, October 18 ~ MEA Break

September Letter Day Calendar

Click Here for the September Letter Day Calendar

September Breakfast and Lunch Menus

CLICK HERE ~ Breakfast Menu

CLICK HERE ~ Lunch Menu

Jennifer Vaillancourt, Literacy JEDI ~ Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion 

Weekly Quote: “If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” – Albert Einstein

Weekly Resource:

There are many books which use fairy tales as their base. The Sisters Grimm is one worth checking out!

Student and Family Main Entrance Bulletin Board Activity

We would like to invite a student, a group of students or a family to decorate the bulletin boards in the Main Entrance. If it is a student or a group of students, we ask that there be an adult with them and they can work on it after school. The bulletin board will stay up for 1 month. Please email Mr. Pollock if you are interested. 


We want to honor student voice and choice along with families! Susan Lindgren is a school for all!

Thank you to Henry McDonald and his mother for partnering and sharing their brilliance and sparks! We love it Henry!

Important Procedures Regarding Student Drop Off & Pick Up

Student Drop Ofbulletin board with hf (7:30 to 7:45) & Pick Up (2:15)

Please stay in your vehicle and allow the students to exit and enter your vehicle as able.

For the safety of students, and the consideration of our neighbors as well as all, please remember to:

  • Know the different zones: DROP OFFPARKING and NO PARKING.

  • Drop off the student/s ONLY in the DROP OFF ZONE.

  • Have student/s exit from the RIGHT side of vehicle, ready with supplies.
  • If a parent or guardian needs to assist the student/s, go to the END of the drop off zone.

  • Stay with your vehicle.
  • If you need to pick up your student, park in PARKING ZONE and wait along the sidewalk.

  • Move with the flow of the traffic.
  • Don’t TURN AROUND on 41st Street. Instead, consider W 40th Street or W 40th Lane.

  • Pull all the way up BEFORE dropping off or picking up your student.
  • Staff will help students get to and from their vehicles.

Thank you for doing your part in keeping students safe!

Susan Lindgren Highlights!

PTO ~ (Parent & Teacher Organization) News

The Susan Lindgren PTO has a new website and School Directory!

Please visit the new PTO website, susanlindgren.ptboard.com for a calendar of events and announcements, along with information about who we are, what we do, and how to get involved!  All PTO initiatives are possible thanks to parent volunteers.  

Use the special CODE in the flyer below to create an account on the PTO website. It will include sign up for the school directory and how to add your child! It will make finding names for playdates a breeze! Plus you can add and view event photos throughout the year and so much more! 

For the rest of the PTO Updates, click below for this week's newsletter!

Fall 2024 Youth Enrichment Programs

Questions? Contact Kelleen at obrion.kelleen@slpschools.org or 952-928-6399

Drawing Palooza

Watch in awe as their pencils whirl across the paper, drawing everything from yummy taffy apples to charming seasonal scarecrows, and bunnies full of sass. We are even sprinkling a bit of Van Gogh magic with some vibrant sunflower sketches

Fridays, Sep. 20-Oct. 25 (No Class Oct. 18), 2:15-3:45 p.m.

Price: $119

Anime & Manga Card Quest Art Class

This is the ultimate trading card-inspired art class! Design fantastical creatures and mythical characters while exploring sketching, painting, and sculpting. Dive into a vibrant world of artistic expression and card collecting. Make and play with slime, experience epic battles, and unleash your creativity in a supportive environment with skilled instructors and fellow trading card enthusiasts. Perfect for bringing your imaginative creatures to life! Feel free to bring your trading cards to class! This event is not affiliated with or endorsed by The Pokémon Company.

Wednesdays, Nov. 20-Dec. 18 (No Class Nov. 27), 2:15-3:15 p.m.

Price: $79

Theatre: Drama Explorers

Join us on a theatrical quest where every class brings a new adventure. From improv games to dramatic play, that will transport you to far-off lands, this class is a whirlwind of fun and creativity! We will be collaborating to create original stories, characters, and even their own mini-productions. 

Wednesdays, Oct. 2-Nov. 13 (No Class Oct. 16), 2:15-3:15 p.m.

Price: $105

Grandmasters of Chess

Each class students are taught different chess concepts and coached to implement those concepts into their chess games.

Mondays, Sep. 16-Nov. 4, 2:15-3:15 p.m.

Price: $139

YEP Book Club

Book Club is for students in Grades K-2 who love exploring all kinds of stories! At each club session, we will read a book, do a project related to that book, and share the love of stories with each other. 

Thursdays, Oct. 24-Dec. 19 (No Class Nov. 28), 2:15-3:30 p.m.

Price: $59

YEP Trading Card Gaming Club

Come join us afterschool and battle your friends! We will be holding weekly tournaments & more. We encourage you to bring your cards, but we will also have some on hand. This event is not affiliated with or endorsed by The Pokémon Company.

Tuesdays, Oct. 22-Dec. 17 (No Class Nov. 5), 2:15-3:30 p.m.

Price: $59

Basketball Camp

This fun, skill-intensive program is designed for beginning to intermediate players. Using our progression-based curriculum, we focus on the whole player - teaching sportsmanship and teamwork. 

Wednesdays, Sep. 18-Oct. 9, 2:15-3:15 p.m.

Price: $89

Flag Football

The Flag football program was created to provide boys and girls in grades K-5 the opportunity to improve their overall fitness in a fun, safe, and playful atmosphere. 

Wednesdays, Oct. 23-Nov. 13, 2:15-3:15 p.m.

Price: $89

SLP District News and Updates

Join Superintendent Dr. Carlondrea Hines at an Upcoming Community Events!

Join St. Louis Park Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Carlondrea Hines at upcoming community events!

  • Popsicles in the Park: September 13, 6-8 p.m. at Aquila Park
  • Paletas en el Parque: September 19, 6-8 p.m. at Aquila Park
  • Listening Session for SLP Jewish Families, September 23, 7 p.m. at Beth El Synagogue

Expectations for Athletic Events

For all home High School athletic events where admission is charged:

  • Any child in 8th grade or below must be accompanied by a paying adult who is responsible for them, their behavior and their whereabouts at the event. 
  • The student must be in the bleachers unless with the accompanying adult.
  • No bags, backpacks or outside food/drink will be allowed in at home football games and there will be no reentry.
  •  All tickets must be purchased electronically, either in advance, or at the event. There will be no cash options available. No refunds.
  • For football, entry will stop at the end of the third quarter.

Please purchase your tickets here.

Information for the 2024 Homecoming Football Game on Friday, Sept. 20 at 7pm

  • Tickets will ONLY be sold online, no tickets will be sold at the game.
  • Online ticket sales will end at 3pm on Thursday, September 19th.
  • Any child in 8th grade or below must be accompanied by a paying adult who is responsible for them, their behavior and their whereabouts at the event. 
  • The student must be in the bleachers unless with the accompanying adult.
  • No bags, backpacks or outside food/drink will be allowed in at home football games and there will be no reentry.
  • Entry will stop at the end of the second quarter.

Please purchase your Homecoming football game tickets here.

If you need additional information, contact Andy Ewald. ewald.andrew@slpschools.org 952-928-6118

After School Activities, Family Events and More!

Fall registration is now open for SLP Community Education activities and programs! Now is the time to explore new offerings such as cooking, trips, social gatherings, free weekend family activities, and the list goes on. 

Visit us at  slpcommunityed.com   

Possible Community Spread of Measles & Fall Immunization Requirements

There has been a rise in measles cases nationally and also in Minnesota. Measles is a very contagious airborne illness and is highly preventable through vaccination. Initial symptoms of measles include a high fever, cough, runny nose and watery eyes followed by a rash that typically spreads from the head to the rest of the body. It generally takes eight to 12 days from exposure to someone with measles to develop the first symptoms, which are usually runny nose, cough or red eyes, followed by a fever. The measles rash usually appears two to three days after the fever begins.

The best way to prevent measles is the MMR vaccine. Children routinely get their first dose of the MMR vaccine at 12-15 months of age, and the second dose before beginning kindergarten. This combination is about 97 percent effective in preventing measles. The MMR vaccine has a long established history of being safe and effective.

A child in Minnesota is not required to have an immunization that is against their parent or guardian’s beliefs. However, choosing not to vaccinate may put the health or life of your child or others they come in contact with at risk. Students who have not been vaccinated with the MMR vaccine and have been near someone with measles will be asked to remain home per the public health recommendation of 21 days, to help limit further spread of disease.

Additional information about measles and the MMR vaccine can be found on the MDH website at Measles (Rubeola) Basics, including translations in Hmong, Somali, and Spanish.