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September 26th, 2024

Collectively, we nurture and inspire all learners to thrive socially, emotionally and academically in an equitable and inclusive community. - SL School Mission

St. Louis Park Public Schools sees, inspires, and empowers each learner to live their brilliance in an environment that centers student voice and experience to create racially equitable learning that energizes and enhances the spirit of our community. - SLP School District Mission

Mr. Clarence Pollock ~

Proud Principal

Mr. Arsenio Richardson ~

Elementary Support Supervisor

Special Edition of SL Communicator

Monday, September 30th

On Monday, September 30th, a Special Edition of the Susan Lindgren Communicator will be sent out at 4:00 PM. You will receive classroom teacher links to sign up for an October Family Connection Meeting (Formally called Parent/Teacher Conferences).


  • Tuesday, October 15th - 3:00-7:00 PM
  • Wednesday, October 16th - 7:20 AM - 3:20 PM
  • 20 Minute meetings

Susan Lindgren Fall Festival

A fun night for all! Food Trucks, Fire Truck, Police Car, activity tables and of course our awesome playground to play with friends!

Date: Tuesday, October 1st

Time: 5:00-7:00 PM

Location: Susan Lindgren Parking Lot

Hope to see you all there for the fun, smiles and joy and dinner is planned for you!

Clarence Pollock, Proud Principal

Arsenio Richardson, Elementary Support Supervisor

Important Reminder for all Families

7:20-7:45 AM Please no Parking of vehicles in the Parent Drop Zone

1:50-2:15 PM Please no parking of vehicles in the Parent Pick up Zone

*For everyone's safety we are requesting that families drop off from their vehicles, or if walking at the main sidewalk or front door.

Please do not walk your child down to their classroom.

Clarence Pollock, Susan Lindgren Principal

952-928-6699 ~ pollock.clarence@slpschools.org

Arsenio Richardson, Susan Lindgren Elementary Support Supervisor

952-928-6660 ~ richardson.arsenio@slpschools.org

Jane Watts, Susan Lindgren Administrative Assistant to the Principal

952-928-6698 ~ watts.jane@slpschools.org

  • Tuesday, October 1st- School Picture Day

  • Tuesday, October 1st~ Susan Lindgren Fall Festival 5:00-7:00 PM SL Playground

  • Thursday, October 3 No School ~ Rosh Hashanah

  • Friday, October 4th - Monday, October 14th SLP Read$ School Fundraiser

  • Tuesday, October 15 ~ Family Connections (3:00 - 7:00 PM)

  • Wednesday, October 16 ~ Family Connections (7:20 AM - 3:20 PM)
  • No School - Wednesday, October 16 ~ Family Connections

  • No School-Thursday, October 17 & Friday, October 18 ~ MEA Break

September & October Letter Day Calendars

Click Here for the September Letter Day Calendar

Click Here for the October Letter Day Calendar

September Breakfast and Lunch Menus

CLICK HERE ~ Breakfast Menu

CLICK HERE ~ Lunch Menu

Jennifer Vaillancourt, Literacy JEDI ~ Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion 

Weekly Quote: Read books by people whose perspective is different from yours, listen to voices you haven’t heard before, look for narratives that are new to you. In them and with them, you might end up finding more room for yourself.” - Michelle Obama

Student and Family Main Entrance Bulletin Board Activity

We would like to invite a student, a group of students or a family to decorate the bulletin boards in the Main Entrance. If it is a student or a group of students, we ask that there be an adult with them and they can work on it after school. The bulletin board will stay up for 1 month. Please email Mr. Pollock if you are interested. 


We want to honor student voice and choice along with families! Susan Lindgren is a school for all!

PTO ~ (Parent & Teacher Organization) News

We have some very important PTO updates regarding Fall Festival, SLP Reads and Spiritwear!

Click below for the latest PTO newsletter!

Fall 2024 Youth Enrichment Programs

Questions? Contact Kelleen at obrion.kelleen@slpschools.org or 952-928-6399

Drawing Palooza

Watch in awe as their pencils whirl across the paper, drawing everything from yummy taffy apples to charming seasonal scarecrows, and bunnies full of sass. We are even sprinkling a bit of Van Gogh magic with some vibrant sunflower sketches

Fridays, Sep. 20-Oct. 25 (No Class Oct. 18), 2:15-3:45 p.m.

Price: $119

Anime & Manga Card Quest Art Class

This is the ultimate trading card-inspired art class! Design fantastical creatures and mythical characters while exploring sketching, painting, and sculpting. Dive into a vibrant world of artistic expression and card collecting. Make and play with slime, experience epic battles, and unleash your creativity in a supportive environment with skilled instructors and fellow trading card enthusiasts. Perfect for bringing your imaginative creatures to life! Feel free to bring your trading cards to class! This event is not affiliated with or endorsed by The Pokémon Company.

Wednesdays, Nov. 20-Dec. 18 (No Class Nov. 27), 2:15-3:15 p.m.

Price: $79

Theatre: Drama Explorers

Join us on a theatrical quest where every class brings a new adventure. From improv games to dramatic play, that will transport you to far-off lands, this class is a whirlwind of fun and creativity! We will be collaborating to create original stories, characters, and even their own mini-productions. 

Wednesdays, Oct. 2-Nov. 13 (No Class Oct. 16), 2:15-3:15 p.m.

Price: $105

Grandmasters of Chess

Each class students are taught different chess concepts and coached to implement those concepts into their chess games.

Mondays, Sep. 16-Nov. 4, 2:15-3:15 p.m.

Price: $139

YEP Book Club

Book Club is for students in Grades K-2 who love exploring all kinds of stories! At each club session, we will read a book, do a project related to that book, and share the love of stories with each other. 

Thursdays, Oct. 24-Dec. 19 (No Class Nov. 28), 2:15-3:30 p.m.

Price: $59

YEP Trading Card Gaming Club

Come join us afterschool and battle your friends! We will be holding weekly tournaments & more. We encourage you to bring your cards, but we will also have some on hand. This event is not affiliated with or endorsed by The Pokémon Company.

Tuesdays, Oct. 22-Dec. 17 (No Class Nov. 5), 2:15-3:30 p.m.

Price: $59

Basketball Camp

This fun, skill-intensive program is designed for beginning to intermediate players. Using our progression-based curriculum, we focus on the whole player - teaching sportsmanship and teamwork. 

Wednesdays, Sep. 18-Oct. 9, 2:15-3:15 p.m.

Price: $89

Flag Football

The Flag football program was created to provide boys and girls in grades K-5 the opportunity to improve their overall fitness in a fun, safe, and playful atmosphere. 

Wednesdays, Oct. 23-Nov. 13, 2:15-3:15 p.m.

Price: $89

SLP District News and Updates

Important Information for Families about Student Health

As we enter the fall season, this is a time when illnesses like colds, flu, and other respiratory viruses tend to spread more easily. To help prevent the spread of illness within our school community please follow these important guidelines: 

Situations when your child should stay home:

  • Fever of 100 degrees or more. The student should stay home for 24 hours after their temperature returns to normal without the use of fever reducing medication.
  • Vomiting/diarrhea more than twice in the preceding 24 hours. Stay home until 24 hours after the last episode.
  • Any uncontrolled cough, respiratory virus symptoms that are worsening or not improving and not better explained by another cause such as seasonal allergies * 
  • Rash with a fever and/or unknown cause. Check with your family physician/clinic before your student returns to school.
  • If feeling ill/unwell and the student is unable to fully participate in school activities.

 CDC Respiratory Virus Guidelines:  Respiratory virus symptoms can include fever, chills, fatigue, cough, runny nose, and headache, among others. The guidance for common respiratory illnesses (flu, COVID, RSV) is to stay home for 24 hours until both:

  1. Your symptoms are getting better, and
  2. You have not had a fever without taking fever-reducing medication.

Practice Good Hygiene: 

  • Remind your children to wash their hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Encourage them to cover their coughs and sneezes with a tissue or their elbow and avoid touching their face. 


  • Keep your child up-to-date with vaccinations to reduce the risk of contracting vaccine preventable diseases and prevent serious illness. 

Communicable Disease Alerts 

Pertussis (Whooping Cough)

There is currently an outbreak of Pertussis (Whooping Cough) in Hennepin County and cases have been reported in our school district community. The first symptoms of pertussis are similar to a cold. After a week or two, the cough worsens and may occur in sudden, uncontrollable bursts. Sometimes coughing will lead to vomiting or a high-pitched whoop sound when breathing in.

Anyone with symptoms should stay home, contact their healthcare provider and consider getting tested for pertussis. 

MDH Pertussis Fact Sheet



There is currently a measles outbreak in Minnesota. The outbreak began in May 2024. It is primarily affecting unvaccinated children in the Twin Cities metro area. However, anyone who is not up to date on their measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine is at risk of getting measles. 

The MMR vaccine is safe and extremely effective at protecting kids, families and the entire community. Unvaccinated people exposed to measles need to stay home and away from others (quarantine) for 21 days. 

MDH Measles Fact Sheet

Free Family Event 

Shout Out Loud to Host it’s 5th Annual Suicide Prevention Wellness Carnival

Saturday Sept. 28th, 2024 11am – 3pm

St. Louis Park, Rec Center ROC – 3700 Monterey Dr, St Louis Park, MN 55416

(Rain Or Shine – Event is Outdoors yet covered with a Canopy from the elements)

We also need a lot of volunteers to pull this off.  It is a perfect event to have your teens volunteer at if they need volunteer hours. Quick 2 hour shifts!

Sign Up --> Here

Free Family Opportunities through St. Louis Park Community Education

Free family opportunities! Limited space available, register today at slpcommunityed.com