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October 24th, 2024

Collectively, we nurture and inspire all learners to thrive socially, emotionally and academically in an equitable and inclusive community. - SL School Mission

St. Louis Park Public Schools sees, inspires, and empowers each learner to live their brilliance in an environment that centers student voice and experience to create racially equitable learning that energizes and enhances the spirit of our community. - SLP School District Mission

Mr. Clarence Pollock ~

Proud Principal

Mr. Arsenio Richardson ~

Elementary Support Supervisor

Attention ALL Families!

Please have your child/children check lost and found before Friday, November 1st.

Parents are welcome to come to school any day to check as well for missing items. The Lost and Found is located right outside the cafeteria.

All clothing items that have not been picked up by Friday, November 1st will be donated to STEP in St. Louis Park.

Thank you for your cooperation!

It was so fun and great to connect with families at family connections. We definitely appreciate the partnership and love learning new things about our families. Looking forward to more growth together. 

Arsenio Richardson

Elementary Support Supervisor

Clarence Pollock, Susan Lindgren Principal

952-928-6699 ~ pollock.clarence@slpschools.org

Arsenio Richardson, Susan Lindgren Elementary Support Supervisor

952-928-6660 ~ richardson.arsenio@slpschools.org

Jane Watts, Susan Lindgren Administrative Assistant to the Principal

952-928-6698 ~ watts.jane@slpschools.org

  • No School - Tuesday, November 5th - Election Day & PD Day for Staff

  • Tuesday, November 19th - Kindergarten Talent Development STEAM Night

  • Wednesday, November 20th - Parkway Pizza Family Dine Out Fundraiser

  • No School - Wednesday, November 27th - Friday, November 29th- Fall Break

  • Thursday, December 5th - Family Engineering Night with the Works! (More Information coming)

  • No School - Friday, December 6 - District Professional Development Day

  • Wednesday, December 18th - Parkway Pizza Family Dine Out Fundraiser

  • No School - December 23 - January 3 ~ Winter Break

  • School Resumes - Monday, January 6

  • No School - Monday, January 20

  • No School - Friday, January 24

October and November Letter Day Calendars

Click Here for the October Letter Day Calendar

Click Here for the November Letter Day Calendar

October Breakfast and Lunch Menus

CLICK HERE ~ Breakfast Menu

CLICK HERE ~ Lunch Menu

Susan Lindgren Community Highlights

Schoolyard Garden Update

The schoolyard garden season is coming to an end. This week we cleared out dead plants, frost-bitten tomatoes, ground cherries; then we planted garlic and a cover crop of oats to help the health of our soil. Our 4th grade classes collected soil samples to send to the Soil Science Laboratory at the U of M to gather data about our soil for next season. Next Friday will be our last day with Mr. deNeui’s class and Ms. Bancroft’s class finishing up with mulching and planting daffodil bulbs. 

We’ll see classes over the winter for special indoor garden sessions and the week after Spring Break for indoor seed starting. Have a wonderful winter season!

The Garden Team -

Patty, Hana, Charlotte, Sarah

Jennifer Vaillancourt, Literacy JEDI ~ Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion 

Weekly Quote:

“Someone struggled for your right to vote. Use it.” Susan B. Anthony

Family Resource:

Voting is open in Minnesota. Here is the website where you can learn about casting your vote.

PTO ~ (Parent & Teacher Organization) News

Please check out the latest PTO Newsletter below for some important updates and photos from recent events!

SLP District News and Updates

National School Bus Safety Week is next week

Student safety on the road is a top priority at SLP Schools. National School Bus Safety Week, October 21-25, highlights the measures our bus and van drivers take to ensure all our students travel safely to and from school.

Our Park Addams drivers worked with students at each elementary school building earlier this month to provide education on safe boarding, exiting and behavior while on the bus.

To support safety, we remind the community to obey bus signals and traffic laws. We each have a collective responsibility to ensure our students can arrive to their learning environment safely. By staying alert and mindful of school buses on the road, everyone in our community plays a role in safeguarding our students. 

Families K-5: New Progress Reports 

This school year, all elementary schools of St. Louis Park Public Schools will be moving to an exciting new model for progress reporting. These updates reflect our ongoing commitment to providing you with a more comprehensive and clear understanding of your child’s growth and development.

Our new progress reports are designed to offer a more detailed look at your child’s progress toward the Minnesota State Standards. 

The new progress reports will provide a clearer picture of your child’s strengths and areas where they may need more support. You’ll receive more specific, individualized comments that will help you understand your child’s unique learning journey. This will make it easier for you to partner with us to reinforce learning and support growth at home.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • More detailed feedback: You will see more comprehensive information about your child’s academic progress toward grade level standards.  
  • More regular updates: Progress reports will be sent home according to the same schedule as before, but with more detailed information about your child’s overall progress.
  • Opportunities for collaboration: If you have any questions or concerns, we encourage you to reach out to your child’s teacher. These reports are a tool for strengthening communication between school and home, so we can better support your child together.

We also want to take a moment to acknowledge and deeply appreciate the hard work our teachers are putting in to learn and implement this new progress report structure. They are training and preparing the new reports to ensure that they are meaningful and reflective of your child’s growth. Their commitment to making this transition smooth and effective speaks to their passion for helping each student thrive.

We understand that this is a new structure, and we appreciate your understanding and support as we make this important transition. Our goal is to ensure that you feel well-informed and equipped to support your child’s success.