MSU EDA University Center for

Regional Economic Innovation

E-Update | March 2024

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Global Flint Initiative Launch Event in the News

2024 Co-Learning Plan

The International Center of Greater Flint (ICGF) Co-Learning Plan seeks to develop a community grassroots outreach process to create a strategic vision and implementation plan for a Global Flint Initiative (GFI). GFI is an economic and community revitalization strategy that focuses on attracting and retaining international talent by becoming a Welcoming Community. The needs assessment will involve an extensive immigrant groups outreach to conduct focus groups, interviews and surveys throughout the region over several months. The goal is to collect data to document the true assessment of this population. In addition to reaching out to the immigrant population, the same method will be implemented with Flint’s native population. This Co-Learning Plan seeks to foster a welcoming environment for international talent in Flint, engaging immigrant groups and native residents to build a cohesive and economically resilient community.

On March 5, the ICGF "held an event at the Gloria Coles Flint Public Library to launch its ‘Global Flint Initiative’ ..." Learn more about the launch event here!

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