57th Annual Convention Roundup

Check out our convention recap video below!

57th Annual Convention Recap Video

Representatives from all 10 districts met in Sacramento for the CAL FIRE Local 2881 57th Annual Convention on January 18-21, 2024. Below are some highlights.

Convention Priorities for 2024:

1)Achieve the 56hr work week with no loss in compensation

2)Achieve pay parity and mitigate compaction for R&F, supervisory, managerial, and CEA's

3)Percentage the R&R for all U8 employees (supervisory, managerial, and CEA's)


Over the four days, we heard from several guest speakers, including (not all pictured): Aaron Read & Associates Aaron Read and Terry McHale, Chief Legal Counsel Gary Messing, CAL FIRE Chief Joe Tyler, IAFF General Secretary Treasurer Frank Lima, IAFF 10th District VP Steve Gilman, CPF President Brian Rice, and Assembly Member Heath Flora.

Joe Ten Eyck gave his last speech as the State Supervisor Director. Our new Local 2881 State Supervisor Director is Jeremy Salizoni from District 10.

30 Years of the CAL FIRE

Local 2881 Honor Guard

Interested in joining the CAL FIRE Local 2881 Honor Guard? Click the link for more information.

CAL FIRE Local 2881 Honor Guard

Award Recipients

President's Award: Rick LaBeske

Executive Board Award: Benny Agulair

Aaron Read Award: Matt Bernard

Axes: Rhett Corning, Joe Ten Eyck, Aaron Smith, Robbie Whitchurch

Representation Award: Kirk Ramos

Ron Yank: Jeremy Salizoni

Longevity Award: Dave Schurich, Matt Johnson, Robert Johnson

Leadership Award: Dave Johnston, Konoli Martin, Robert Kenyon, Mike Morlan, Mike Ambrose, Charles Wilson, John Clark, Tim Ross, Omar Ali, Tim Jones

CAL FIRE Local 2881 Convention Team

2023 Year in Review


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Brian Kornegay talked about the CAL FIRE 25 Year Club

Dr. Matt Rahn from The Wildfire Conservancy

Kevin O'Meara giving an update on the CAL FIRE Benevolent Foundation. In 2023, the Foundation gave over $162,700 in direct assistance! Read the CAL FIRE Benevolent Foundation Annual Report here.

Save the dates for the 58th Annual Convention

January 9-12, 2025

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