You can reserve your room at the group rate of $399/night (+tax) through this link. The link will take you to the hotel's website. Click on the "Book Now" button in the top right hand corner and enter the stay dates, once you click search the group rate will pop up as the option for booking. The unique Group Code is SLR to make online reservations.
*Please note the group rate will only populate for the contracted dates, if you are selecting pre/post dates on the website it will show the best available rate and not the group rate. Please direct any pre/post reservation requests to Hannah directly.
To book your reservation by phone:
Contact the Reservations Department at (800) 424- 6835 or (202) 628-9100 and identify as guests or participants with State Law Resources in order to receive the group rate.
If you would like a room arrangement other than the standard King, please contact Hannah to arrange.
The room block deadline is Friday, April 19, 2024