2024 ISPE Annual Meeting Call for Abstracts is Now Open

Submission Deadline: February 14, 2024

The 2024 ISPE Annual Meeting will be a live event held at the Estrel Congress Center, Berlin, Germany, August 24-28, 2024. Virtual presentations are not permitted for the event; all presentations must be delivered in person. If you submit an abstract, it is with the intention that you will physically attend the conference to present it.

ISPE's Annual Meeting is a unique forum for the exchange of scientific information from the fields of pharmacoepidemiology and therapeutic risk management among those in the pharmaceutical industry, government, academia, service providers, regulators, consulting firms, health insurers, and contract research organizations. The meeting is widely acknowledged as the leading global conference on pharmacoepidemiology and therapeutic risk management. The agenda will be a combination of invited lectures, submitted research abstracts, posters, symposia, and workshops collectively representing the current state of experience and knowledge in these dynamic disciplines.

Abstracts are invited for posters, oral presentations, workshops, and symposia.

Newcomer Track: Submission deadline January 15, 2024

The Newcomer Track is designed to encourage researchers submitting to the ISPE Annual Meeting or the first time by receiving advance reviewer feedback on an abstract. Experienced ISPE reviewers provide comments on scientific quality, style, and language in enough time that researchers seeking the best chance for acceptance may amend their submission before the abstract deadline. The Newcomer Track program does not guarantee selection but might help improve your chances. The Newcomer Track is recommended for researchers submitting to the annual meeting for the first time and is unsuitable for experienced researchers. To apply for this program, simply complete your abstract by January 15th and select the Newcomer Track option.

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