A public information meeting is being held Wednesday, (tomorrow night), Jan. 17 at 6:30 PM in the Commons of Monona Grove High School so residents can view and discuss the final draft of the Master Plan for the San Damiano property.
(Please note that a previous communication incorrectly listed the meeting time as 5:30.)
For more information on the San Damiano master planning process and to view the draft final plan, go to San Damiano Project Steering Committee | Monona, WI - Official Website (mymonona.com).
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The City of Monona Police Department wants to remind all residents and visitors to be mindful of snow emergencies. If Mayor Mary O’Connor declares a snow emergency, vehicles may not be parked on any street in Monona. There is an exception to allow street parking or alternate side parking on parts of St. Theresa Terrace, Gordon Avenue, Wallace Avenue, Valorie Lane and Anthony Place. Residents should refer to a map posted on the City’s website at mymonona.com for these locations.
Except for the specific locations above, the police department will ticket and tow vehicles parked on Monona streets that obstruct snow removal options. Residents may park in City of Monona parking lots that serve city parks until the end of the snow emergency. These include the public lots at Ahuska, Lottes, Winnequah, Frostwoods Beach, Fireman’s Maywood and Schluter Parks.
For the latest news on snow emergencies, check mymonona.com, WVMO, and other local media.
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February 20 Spring Primary |
There is a primary election required for Monona Alderperson. Of the seven candidates on the ballot, the top six vote getters will advance to the April 2 Spring & Presidential Preference Election.
Alderperson Candidates (vote for not more than 3)
1. Brian Holmquist (Incumbent)
2. Jerry Thompson
3. Candyce VerBurg
4. Jeff VerBurg
5. Patrick DePula (Incumbent)
6. Teresa Radermacher (Incumbent)
7. Rachel Kugle
Wards 1 through 5 vote at St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church, 5700 Pheasant Hill Road and Wards 6 through 10 vote at the Community Center, 1011 Nichols Road. The polls are open from 7:00am to 8:00pm.
In-person absentee voting for the February 20 Spring Primary is in City Hall from Tuesday, February 6 through Friday, February 16 during regular business hours and days.
More information can be found on www.mymonona.com/133/Elections or at www.myvote.wi.gov
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Winter Salt Awareness Week is January 22-26, 2024
Join daily live streams from experts diving into #thetruecostofsalt on our drinking water, freshwater ecosystems, and how you can be a freshwater advocate in your community.
Remember: It only takes just 1 teaspoon of salt to pollute 5 gallons of water to a level that is toxic for freshwater ecosystems.
- Shovel: Clear snow before it turns to ice. The more you shovel, the less you’ll need to salt.
- Scatter: Leave 2-3 inches between salt grains. One 12-ounce coffee cup fits enough salt to treat a 20-foot driveway or 10 sidewalk squares!
- Switch: below 15 degrees F, salt stops working. Switch to sand for traction or use another ice-melting product.
- Why not skip the salt altogether if you can?
BONUS - If you hire others for winter maintenance, encourage them to become Saltwise Certified, through the Wisconsin Salt Wise organization, like our Monona Public Works crew!
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Join us for Happy Hour at Fratelli’s, 5801 Monona Drive, February 15 at 5:30, where Monona will be featured as part of Sustain Dane’s “All Around Dane County” Series. Come for food, drinks, networking, and brief stories from the City, School District, and local residents on topics of clean energy, sustainable buildings, seasonal campaigns, and more. Click here for details and registration. | |
Recycling Resources Galore! | |
As of January 1, waste and recycling collection in Monona has been contracted with Pellitteri Waste Systems. If you haven’t already, sign up for email alerts or download the Pellitteri mobile app to set weekly reminders, receive weather updates, and see your collection schedule. the Pellitteri site also has dozens of quick informational videos and a “Recycle Right” tool where you can search for items and learn how to dispose of them.
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Monona Public Library Events | |
Loud in the library- The 80’s!
Saturday, January 27 | 7-11pm
- Join us for a totally rad evening of fun and fundraising for our beloved library!! Loud in the Library is an adults-only fundraiser filled with games, food, drinks, and music!
This year the fun will include: DJ Mirah spinning the 80’s hits, James the Magician, an 80’s photo booth, prize for the best dressed, sweet and savory snacks, fundraising games, a retro wine pull game, Rubik’s Cube Contest, raffles, a cash bar, and more!
Tickets are on sale now at Monona Public Library or online here: www.friendsofmononalibrary.org, for $30 each. Get yours today!
- Presented by: Lake Ridge Bank
Snowplow Storytime - No School Fun Day
Friday, January 26, 2024 10:00 AM
- No School? No Problem! Join us for Snowplow Storytime and explore a real snowplow*!
- For ages 3-6. Younger and older siblings/friends are always welcome.
- Free drop-in event. Thank you, City of Monona Public Works!
*assuming Public Works staff do not need to use the equipment for snow removal*
American Girl Doll + Book Kits now available for checkout!
- Monona Library has kits with historical dolls that cover pivotal points in American history, or specially curated kits that focus on topics like financial literacy, self-care, social justice, and more. Kits can be checked out for 14 days total. Support your child’s growth through play as they explore these amazing stories!
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Monona History Club program, Sunday afternoon, January 28th, 2:00 pm at Monona Public Library. DVD and discussion of Noel Johnson's memories of the north end of Monona Dr. and Atwood Ave from Dean House to Schenk's Corners.
2nd Sunday Open House & Tours of the historic Nathaniel & Harriet Dean House, 2-4 pm Sunday, February 11th. $5 donation. For more info call 608-249-7920
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Traditional Native American Winter Sport, Snow Snake Games Rescheduled At San Damiano |
The Friends of San Damiano (FOSD) second Snow Snake Games scheduled for Friday, January 26, 2024, from 1:00 to 4:00 PM at San Damiano has been rescheduled for March 2, from 1:00 to 5:00 PM.
Snow Snake is a traditional winter game played by Great Lakes Region Tribes on the frozen lakes in long grooves made in packed snow berms. The snow snake was a hardwood stick with varying lengths and widths and a slightly bulbous end that resembled the head of a snake, eyes traced on it, and a crosscut to mark the mouth. The entire stick was carefully smoothed. Holding your snake lightly, you took a short run, then bent and flipped the snake so it would race along the top of the ice/snow. The snake that traveled the farthest won. "Although this sounds very simple in concept, it was very competitive amongst the people and it was used to pass the time during the doldrums of winter. It also kept our spear chucking arm strong during the cold season" said Bill Quackenbush, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Ho-Chunk Nation.
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Cardio Fitness Class, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1-2 pm, $5, Monona Community Center
Understand Assisted Living, Tuesday, January 30, 10:00 am, Monona Senior Center
Energy Trivia, Friday, February 2, 10:30 am, Monona Senior Center
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Conectados: A Bilingual Experience
Don't miss Aldo Leopold Nature Center sharing about their plans in inclusion and diversity! All of the things they have to offer to the community in this coming year and in their 30th Anniversary are super exciting! Remember to follow us on Facebook and Instagram as Conectados radio show. Happy 2024!
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Go Mobile With The MononaGo App
City Meetings | MG Sports | Community Events| MGHS Events| Highlight Videos
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- Never miss your student’s music concert or events thanks to easy access to video recordings.
- Easily share videos of your student’s concerts and games with friends and relatives.
- Students can watch replays of their concerts or sporting events to help them relive highlights and learn from their performances.
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How to reach individual alders, the mayor, or the full council
Click here and scroll down. To email only the mayor, click the mayor’s photo. To email an individual alder, click on the alder's photo. To email the full council and the mayor, click "Email the City Council" and fill out the short form.
TIP: When you email the full council using the link provided, your concern is seen by more than just one person, documented and saved in a database for future reference/reporting, and finally, it’s routed to the alder and/or city department head responsible for the area of city operations related to your question, concern, or comment – leading to a better/faster response.
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