By law, the State budget is the only piece of legislation that must be passed each session. Late each session, a select group of House and Senate budget conferees is named to negotiate the final state budget.
This year, the Agriculture, Environment and General Government conferees announced they were very close to agreement of the final spending plan for the environment with only a small number of items to be “bumped up” to the Appropriations Chairs for final negotiation.
As of now, the Senate and House agree on funding levels for Everglades restoration but there are still some discrepancies on funding levels for land acquisition programs, citrus infrastructure projects and some specific water quality projects.
SCCF will provide a complete list of state and local environmental projects in our legislative summary.
Next week, the last week of session, they will finalize the budget in time to meet the mandated 72-hour “cooling off” period to qualify for a final vote and end the session by March 8 as scheduled.