
Budget Update

Dear Friends,

We received wonderful news from DPL Director Jo Giudice last night.

Yesterday, during the City Council budget amendment process, Council Member Paula Blackmon (District 9) successfully proposed reallocating funds from the Economic Development budget to keep the Skillman Southwestern Branch open for one year.

Her amendment received the 8 votes needed, meaning that—if no further changes are made to the City budget—the Skillman Southwestern Branch will remain open for another year. This is a significant win for our Dallas Public Library system!

We want to offer a big thank you and congratulations to the grassroots efforts made by the Skillman Southwestern Library Friends in support of keeping their library open. In particular, two library neighborhood advocates were adamant that 'their neighborhood branch' should not be closed. These community members took time to visit and write to every council member and engaged their networks to do the same. Those efforts along with a community-fueled petition to 'Save Skillman' made the difference.

While this was a great result yesterday, the final vote on the City’s budget will not occur until later this month on September 18, so let's keep up our efforts.

Contact your Dallas City Council Members. Thank them for prioritizing our library and encourage them to ensure the Skillman Southwestern branch remains off the budget reductions list, DPL material needs are met, and that our libraries continue to remain open at least six days a week in the year ahead.

Follow this link to contact the Mayor and City Council Members.

Follow this link to find your council district.

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