The precursor to the Noquemanon Ski Marathon was a race called the Red Earth
Loppet a point to point race that originally spanned from National Mine, North of
Ishpeming to South Marquette. The first race was held in 1984 and ceased in 1997 due
to landowner issues the resultant course changes that were less than ideal. Jon Mommaerts and a group of Superiorland Ski Club colleagues decided that
the area needed a replacement and work began on planning for the first Noquemanon Ski Marathon held - the first of which was held in 1999.
Many things have changed over the years, but, some things remain very similar such as our reliance on private landowners that have been graciously willing to partner with this event and provide access once a year and share the beauty of skiing through the rugged terrain of Marquette county.
Interested in reading more? Be on the lookout for several Noquemanon Ski Marathon articles in the upcoming editions of Silent Sports Magazine!