2024 Santa Clara County Preservation Alliance

Historic Preservation Awards Night

Friday, May 17th, 7:00 pm at History San Jose Park

The Santa Clara County Preservation Alliance (SCCPA) will be hosting it's 3rd Preservation Awards Night on May 17th at History San Jose Park. Last year over 200 guests celebrated 12 award winners for historic and cultural preservation achievements throughout the county.

We anticipate another fun gathering on May 17th to celebrate local preservation achievements and get to know preservation colleagues throughout the Santa Clara County. We would love to have you join us!

Historic Preservation Awards

Night Background

The SCCPA Historic Preservation Awards are presented to individuals, organizations, companies, and public agencies whose contributions demonstrate significant achievements in preserving the history and heritage of Santa Clara County.

The purpose of the awards night is to recognize meaningful achievements in historic and cultural preservation through increased public awareness, appreciation, and support for historic and cultural preservation throughout the county.

The SCCPA Historic Preservation Awards began in 2022, in recognition of National Preservation Month, by a coalition of Santa Clara County preservation groups: the Santa Clara County Historical Heritage Commission, History San Jose, Preservation Action Council of Santa Jose, San Jose Historic Landmarks Commission, and California Pioneers of Santa Clara County.

Award recipients are selected by the SCCPA Steering Committee, representing a cross-section of diverse historic and cultural preservation groups within Santa Clara County. This is an honorary award promoting exceptional commitment and achievements; no monetary awards are provided.

Award Eligibility Categories and Criteria Guidelines

1.      General Eligibility Information

Nominations should demonstrate creative solutions to the preservation and/or

interpretation of Santa Clara County historic, cultural, and prehistoric


Nominations should demonstrate how the project or activity conforms to

applicable professional standards, such as the Secretary of the Interior’s

Standards for Preservation, or other standards for archaeology, interpretation,

oral history, and other types of projects or activities.

Special consideration will be given to historic and cultural preservation projects/

activities that:

  • Demonstrate successful public/private partnerships.
  • Benefit the community and reflect community-centered and supported efforts.
  • Promote sustainability and “green” design while preserving the historic fabric of a resource.
  • Broaden the ethnic and cultural diversity of historic preservation activities.

2.      Individuals, Organizations, and Agencies

Any individual, organization, company, or Santa Clara County agency involved

in historic or cultural preservation is eligible for nomination. Eligible nominees

will have made significant contributions to the advancement of historic and

cultural preservation and/or the preservation of historical resources in Santa

Clara County. Nominations of those individuals and groups working at a

grassroots level are especially encouraged. Awards are limited to one per

nominating group and individuals may not self-nominate.

3.      Award Nomination and Selection Process

Santa Clara County historical societies, preservation groups and museums are

welcome to nominate individuals or projects for award consideration. The SCCPA Steering Committee will evaluate nominations and select award winners based on the above criteria and the volume of nominations we receive.

Click on the Award Nomination Form to nominate a project or individual(s). The deadline to receive nominations is March 31st in order to evaluate nominations, choose award winners, include winners in the event program, and prepare awards. Handsome award plaques and commemorative photos will be provided to award winners.

4.     Projects

Restoration, rehabilitation or adaptive use of historic buildings, structures, sites,

or cultural landscapes.

Activities related to the identification, protection, and interpretation of historic

and prehistoric resources:

  • Innovative efforts in historic preservation education, public outreach, or interpretive programs.
  • Projects that demonstrate novel approaches to the protection of historic and/or prehistoric archaeological sites.
  • Exemplary historical research projects, including oral histories.
  • Projects that celebrate ethnic and cultural diversity of historic preservation.

Projects, ideally, shall have been completed within four years. Exceptions, including works in-progress projects, may be considered depending on the uniqueness and special circumstances of the project as determined by the SCCPA Steering Committee.

Here is a list of last years award winners as examples of acceptable preservation award nominations: 2023 Award Winners.

Opportunity To Share

Tables will be available again for groups to share about their organizations, meet each other, and provide updates about their activities.

Whether or not your group will be receiving an award, you are welcome to attend the event, host a table, and share about your group and activities. Email: bschroh@historysanjose.org to reserve a table.

Sponsorship and Donation Opportunities

The SCCPA Preservation Awards Night is organized by a group of volunteers who love our local history and wish to celebrate and share it with others. The event is made possible from ticket sales, and generous contributions from sponsors, and donors.

Once again we thank last year's contributors for their support.

Sponsors and donors are recognized in the following ways:

  • Event program.
  • SCCPA website.
  • Podium announcement.
  • Large screen display at the event.
  • Press releases and follow up communications.

Additionally, comp tickets will be provided per sponsorship level - $100: 3 tickets, $250: 6 tickets, $500: 9 tickets; refreshment donors: 3 tickets.

Food and Drinks

Food and drinks will be available to purchase, including some fine wines and craft beers from some of our local wineries and breweries.

Award Night Details

We are making final adjustments to our SCCPA website. Links to purchase tickets and sign up forms for sponsorship and donation opportunities will be available soon in our next update.

In the meantime, feel free to reach out to me if you have questions regarding nominations, sponsorship, donations or anything else related to Awards Night.

Tere Johnson terenaqcpa@gmail.com

or (408) 406-3001.