Who are we?
The Cathedral Church of St. Luke is a community of faith in its second century of ministry. We are a spiritual community of people from all walks of life. We seek to find Christ in our weekly worship, outreach to the world and in our church family.
What is Stewardship?
Stewardship is about being grateful, responsible stewards of the gifts we receive from God. The tradition of giving back to God and to the church comes from the Biblical practice of “tithing,” which means to give back a tenth of our earnings to God (Numbers 18:26).
At St. Luke’s, we see stewardship as more than simply contributing money to the church; it’s also about contributing time and talents, and volunteering for ministry and mission. It’s about reaching out to build relationships from a perspective of abundance instead of scarcity.
Why do we need annual pledges?
Annual pledges allow the vestry to plan and budget within our means. In 2023, our pledges make up about 54% percent of our annual budget.
What are the other sources of income?
Besides annual pledges we receive income from rent and endowment. We also have parish wide fundraisers such as the Holiday Fair that help support Cathedral programs. We rent our space to music groups & other community arts partners, the Diocese, neighbors, and users of our community kitchen. Our rental income provides about 5.4% of our income. We also receive contributions from AA, from one-time rentals, and programs that use our spaces.
What about our endowment?
Our endowment was generously left to us by current and previous generations of parishioners and friends. Thanks to careful management and to making a prudent draw, the St. Luke’s endowment covers about 18% of our 2023 annual budget.
What if I don’t pledge? How do the contributions in the weekly offering cover our expenses?
We are grateful for every gift, large and small. Pledges allow us to plan our commitments to program, facilities and staff. Contributions to the plate make up about 1.5% of our annual budgeted expenses.
How many pledges a year do we get? Do people pledge large amounts?
In 2023, 159 households and individuals pledged regular support to the Cathedral Church of St. Luke. These parishioners and friends pledged just over $448,000. Some parishioners give weekly, others monthly, quarterly or annually. Some give through charitable funds or by transferring stocks. Gift amounts to the Cathedral Church of St. Luke vary widely. Some can give more and others less. All are received thankfully.
What is our total annual budget? What are the funds used for?
In 2023 our annual budget was just over $815,000. Expenses in 2024 will increase.
Like most institutions of our size, much of our budget goes towards salaries and benefits for our employees. Insurance and upkeep on our property also take a substantial amount of money each year. We also pay an annual assessment to the Diocese of Maine ($104,804, 12.5% of the 2023 budget) and a portion of that goes to the Episcopal Church USA to help support international programs. But most importantly, our annual budget supports worship, outreach ministries, music, and Christian education.
What can we anticipate for 2024?
We know that our salaries and benefits will rise in 2024, as we will have a full-time Interim Dean, Parish Administrator, and Canon for Music and Liturgy on the payroll for the full year. Other costs are rising with inflation. Our outreach ministries are serving more clients than ever. These expenses will push our annual expenses for 2024 well above the 2023 budget of $815,000.
How will the 2024 budget be determined?
Your generosity is a major factor determining how much is available for all of our ministries. A subcommittee of the Finance Committee crafts a proposed budget and presents it to the full Finance Committee for consideration,and input. Finally a recommended budget is presented to the Lesser Chapter (“Vestry”) for its approval. Town Hall meetings are held in January to inform parishioners about the proposed budget.
What if expenses exceed income in 2024?
Budget pressures in 2024 are significant. Expenses are rising and our ministries are reaching more people. We are in a leadership transition. If there is a shortfall in 2024, we do have a limited cash reserve that could be tapped in 2024. We always have unanticipated needs such as building repairs that make maintaining a cash reserve prudent.
Why does giving to the church matter spiritually?
Scripture says, ‘Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty. For everything on earth is yours. Yours, O Lord, is the kingdom and you are exalted as head over all’ (1 Chronicles 29:11). Giving to the church shows our gratitude for the gifts we’ve been given. It provides an opportunity to invest in a community of faith and programs that transform our lives.
Additional Questions?
Our dedicated team of staff and volunteers are here to assist you with any additional questions that you may have regarding stewardship and giving at the cathedral. Please do not hesitate to contact us so that we can best support you.
Stewardship Chair Randi Hogan (202) 276-4974
Senior Warden Sam Allen (617) 388-9814.
Questions with Realm & Online giving
Parish Administrator Avery Levesque- Schott (207) 772-5434 (x 203)
Financial Administrator Nina Andersen
Treasurer Tim Wilkins