Upcoming Events

TS&L 2024 PTOM Showcase

When: TOMORROW - Wednesday, September 4th, 9:30am through lunch

Location: See flyer linked below for details - trial and lunch are in two separate locations

Questions: Call your TS&L contact or Jonathan Deniz - (559) 939-8280

Event Flyer - Includes Locations

"Developing Management Strategies for Branched Broomrape in California Processing Tomatoes" - Presentation/Exit Seminar

When: Monday, September 9th, 4pm - 5pm

Location: In-person (140 Robbins, UC Davis) and virtual (Zoom link: https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/91770022465) Meeting ID: 917 7002 2465

Speaker: Matt Fatino. Matt’s dissertation and M.S. thesis research is focused on herbicidal and cultural practices for control of the parasitic weed branched broomrape in processing tomato. Matt evaluated several chemigation and foliar herbicide approaches to managing this challenging weed, screened tomato cultivars, and has been a major contributor to outreach and extension to the tomato industry. This presentation will summarize Matt’s work at UCD.

In-Field Management Tools for the 2024 Season

Broomrape Resources

Sanitation Best Management Guidelines Two-Pager
Equipment Sanitation Research Updates Presentation
Awareness Flyer (in English and Spanish)
UC Weed Specialist Brad Hanson on Findings from Chile
24(c) Registration for the Management of Broomrape with Rimsulfuron (Matrix)
January 9th, 2024 Field Research Update from Brad Hanson
Broomrape Resources Dedicated Webpage

Disease Diagnostics

The Swett Lab, at UC Davis, is the Diagnostics Services Lab for the industry in CA. Field level recommendations around soil borne pathogens provided by the research CTRI funds are built off of the foundation of knowledge which starts in this lab. This service would not be possible without the generous support of the grower members of the CTRI. If you have a particularly challenging diagnostics issue contact your local Farm Advisor for a field visit and to get a sample into this lab. 

Fungal Diagnostics - From the Swett Lab
Fusarium: Cultivar Performance Against Fusarium Stem Rot and Decline (FRD) - Commentary and Updated Reference Table from Brenna Aegerter and Patricia Lazicki

August Info from Patricia Lazicki, UCCE Capitol Corridor Vegetable Crops Advisor - click below

Much more info available on our recently updated website!

Do you have an Industry relevant update you would like posted? Email: zach@tomatonet.org

We build durable coalitions around the questions whose answers drive the long term success of the California processing tomato industry. Founded in 1968, the CTRI is a non-profit organization of processing tomato growers.