In addition to our pastoral and staff team, we have two primary groups that provide leadership and oversight to our ministries throughout the year.
The Leadership Council provides operational oversight on a monthly basis. Its members are our local church officers, who review financial reports, provide feedback for staff, and make ministry decisions. These 12 persons listed below are our church officers.
Chair of Leadership Council
George Foozer (Member of Finance Team)
Finance Team
Jeanne Baswell, Chair
Tim Fleming
Wanda Mount
Dawn Brown, Church Treasurer & Business Administrator (Ex Officio Member)
Staff-Parish Team
Julie Phillips, Chair
Ira Latham
Eliane Meeks
Trey Caldwell
Trustees (Properties & Insurance) Team
Randy Prince, Chair
Charla Viehe
Degee Rawls
Kevin Butler
The second body is our Church Council, the chief decision-making body in our church. It includes the 12 members of the Leadership Council, plus 25 members at large. The Church Council provides administrative oversight by approving the yearly ministry (financial) plan, pastor's salaries, and the terms of church officers.