January 21, 2025

Dear Church,

Financial health and transparent stewardship are essential for any growing organization, and our church is no exception. The ministry we provide both within our church community and beyond requires careful financial planning and responsible management of resources.

I commend our church staff and lay leadership for their commitment to openness and discernment in these matters. We believe that every gift given is entrusted to us as an investment in God's Kingdom work and should be used prayerfully to make the greatest impact possible.

In that spirit, we are pleased to share our 2025 Ministry (Financial) Plan, as approved by our Church Council in December 2024.

In addition to our pastoral and staff team, we have two primary groups that provide leadership and oversight to our ministries throughout the year.

The Leadership Council provides operational oversight on a monthly basis. Its members are our local church officers, who review financial reports, provide feedback for staff, and make ministry decisions. These 12 persons listed below are our church officers.

Chair of Leadership Council

George Foozer (Member of Finance Team)

Finance Team

Jeanne Baswell, Chair

Tim Fleming

Wanda Mount

Dawn Brown, Church Treasurer & Business Administrator (Ex Officio Member)

Staff-Parish Team 

Julie Phillips, Chair

Ira Latham

Eliane Meeks

Trey Caldwell

Trustees (Properties & Insurance) Team

Randy Prince, Chair

Charla Viehe

Degee Rawls

Kevin Butler

The second body is our Church Council, the chief decision-making body in our church. It includes the 12 members of the Leadership Council, plus 25 members at large. The Church Council provides administrative oversight by approving the yearly ministry (financial) plan, pastor's salaries, and the terms of church officers.

In 2025, we are "Inviting Intentional Spiritual Formation," and I am incredibly grateful for the dedicated and skilled apprentices to Jesus who are involved in the ongoing leadership of our congregation. Your commitment is invaluable.

I also want to express my sincere gratitude for your continued generosity. Your support makes our ministry possible, and I am deeply thankful for your trust and investment in God’s ministry in and through us. Great things are ahead!

With hope for 2025,

Pastor Nathan

2024 Giving Statements

2024 was another record-breaking year in giving for our church!

Thank you for trusting the Lord and going BEYOND in your giving this year. 

We will be sending 2024 Giving Statements

& a BEYOND update in the mail next week.

On Monday, January 27th, we will be sending an email with a link to

Church Community Builder where you can login

and get your own statement if you wish to do that.

Please email dawn@rossbridge.church if your

email or mailing address has recently changed.

CARB Staff "Thank You"!

From Your CARB Staff Team: "Thank you for your generous love offering gift during the holiday season. Each of our staff members enjoys serving our church and we are thankful to be part of such a loving church family."

Not pictured: Pastor John Mount & Warren Austin, Director of Missions

We are taking the 40-Day Prayer Challenge TOGETHER,

as a faith community, to learn to:

Pray like it depends on God, and Work like it depends on us!

We have 10 open small groups to choose from, OR you may go through this material on your own as your personal devotion for 40 days!

REGISTER for a Small Group HERE

Purchase Your Study Guide HERE


You can give to our January Mission Focus online by selecting "Missions" or by leaving a gift of cash or check on our altar rail during worship each Sunday this month - thank you for the impact your make outside our walls!

Bridge Kids News!

Parents, we are so excited about our Bible Buddy Adoption Program! Our hope is that families will begin reading and studying the Bible TOGETHER!

You maybe asking, “How does this work?” Below you’ll find all the details you will need for your child to complete their plan. Please know, some nights have a lot of reading and you are more than welcome to break it up.

  • When you adopt a buddy, you will receive a Bible Reading Plan.
  • Each night the child will read (or parent can read to the younger children) one story to their new Bible Buddy. We encourage children & parents to read together.
  • You can also mix it up: one night you can read from the BIBLE and the next night read from the Storybook Bible. Also, one night the child can read, and the next night the parent can read.
  • Buddies are for nursery age children through fifth grade!
  • Buddies will be here on Sunday, January 26th & Wednesday, January 29th!

Please let us know if you have any questions! - Ms. Julie, Mrs. Melanie, & Mrs. Kacey

Spring Semester starts on January 15th!

We need a few more individuals who can serve with Bridge Kids this semester!

Please know that you only have to serve once or twice a month

You do NOT have to prepare anything... all you have to do is show up and serve!

Please click on the link below if you would like to serve with Bridge Kids!!

BK Volunteer Form

Attention Parents of 5th Graders (and any other students who may not have had the opportunity to go through a Confirmation process yet:



Sunday Night

This Sunday night have your student at the church by 4:45pm for a special surprise before the lesson starts at 5:30! Your student(s) DO NOT want to miss out on this special Sunday night in Bridge Students!

Calling all adults, if you are an adult and wondering how can I get more involved? I got the answer! We are in need of more stride group leaders, people who would like to deliver a meal, chaperones, and people who will cover the Bridge Students in prayer!

If you are interested in providing a meal for the Bridge Students this semester please click this link here!!!!

If you are interested in being a stride group leader or a chaperone please reach out to me via the email address below and let's schedule a time to meet!

Thank you all for the support and continued prayers.

QUESTIONS? Reach out to lawson@rossbridge.church

Winter Retreat

For this year's Winter Trip we are going to............Nashville!!!!

The Bridge Students will be going to Nashville on February 15-16th. This will be an action packed trip full of fun and adventure!

Click this link to register for the Winter Retreat.. Registration is live now! Registration closes on February the 9th.


The trip will cost is $165 per student and includes transportation, lodging, activities and two meals! Students will need $40 to cover other meals and additional money for any souvenirs. 

The trip cost will rise to $190 for any registrations between January 20th-February 9th. 

QUESTIONS? Reach out to lawson@rossbridge.church

Camp BigStuf · Save The Date!

Does your student(s) enjoy the beach, games, and a camp experience they will remember forever? WELL, I HAVE GREAT NEWS!!!!! Bridge Students (those who have completed grades 7th-12th) will be going to

Camp BigStuf June 9-13th.

Registration begins the last week of February!

QUESTIONS? Reach out to lawson@rossbridge.church

Ministry Engagement