January 7, 2025

Fellow Apprentices of Jesus, 

Each December, I begin praying God will give our church a specific ministry emphasis for the coming year. 

In 2023, we emphasized becoming more ”Becoming Missionally Focused". Largely due to the capable and passionate leadership of Warren Austin (Director of Missions), we continue to move toward that goal. Since joining our staff, we have become more focused and impactful locally, regionally and internationally. 

In 2024, we highlighted “Growing in Christ-Centered Health” in our congregation. Thanks to the diligent leadership of Pastor Jessica and the commitment of many congregational leaders, we celebrated the highest participation in discipleship (Life Groups & Studies) ministries in our history, chiefly through our “Practicing the Way” study.

For 2025, our ministry emphasis will be “Inviting Intentional Spiritual Formation”. As we learned together last fall, Jesus did not demand, guilt or coerce people to apprentice under him. His invitation was simple: “Come, follow me.” 

We are well-known for being a warm and kind congregation towards first-time visitors. My prayer is that we will not just be a welcoming church towards those who show up - but will eagerly and winsomely invite others to join us. The most recent Barna Group statistics below reveal how people came to attend their current church. As you can see, you cannot beat an old-fashioned personal invitation.

That invitation is specifically to pursue “Intentional Spiritual Formation” (which stands in contrast to “counter-formation”, the ways we have been spiritually de-formed). Jesus invited his disciples into an intentional process of learning, praying, worshipping, serving and giving - together as a group. Our formation will happen as we individually practice the Rule of Life we wrote in October and in community through 3 church-wide worship and study series this year - our first begins on January 19th - see below!)

Once again, the recent data indicates that people are eager for Spiritual Formation and would be willing to engage with a church that offers it:

As we begin this new year, I pray you will personally consider how you can embrace “inviting intentional spiritual formation”, by praying about who you might invite to church and remaining engaged in your own spiritual formation. 

I believe God’s vision, “Inviting Intentional Spiritual Formation”, has captured our church and I anticipate beautiful things are ahead for Church at Ross Bridge.

With hope for 2025,

Pastor Nathan

Church-Wide Study Coming Up!

We are going to take the 40-Day Prayer Challenge TOGETHER, as a faith community, to learn to Pray like it depends on God, and Work like it depends on us!

We have 10 open small groups to choose from. Each small group participant will use a Study Guide (cost is $8), which includes video discussion questions, personal reflection questions, and daily devotional readings for each of the 40 days in this challenge.

Study guides will be available for pickup on Sundays 1/12 & 1/19, or at the church office during the week!

Get all the details and


Deadline to register is

Thursday, January 16th!


If you have not yet made your household #allin2025 commitment, we invite you to click the image >>>

and indicate the ways you will live as an apprentice to Jesus through your Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service & Witness!


You can give to our January Mission Focus online by selecting "Missions" or by leaving a gift of cash or check on our altar rail during worship each Sunday this month - thank you for the impact your make outside our walls!

Bridge Kids News!

Bridge Kids will kickoff NEXT Wednesday, January 15th

Spring Semester starts on January 15th!

We need a few more individuals who can serve with Bridge Kids this semester!

Please know that you only have to serve once or twice a month

You do NOT have to prepare anything... all you have to do is show up and serve!

Please click on the link below if you would like to serve with Bridge Kids!!

BK Volunteer Form


Sunday Night

The Bridge Students are back on Schedule this Sunday night! We will be having some very yummy food, lots of games, and fun lessons for the students! You do not want to miss!!!!!!

We will be meeting at the church from 4:45pm-7:15pm!

If you are interested in providing a meal for the Bridge Students this semester please click this link here!!!!

QUESTIONS? Reach out to lawson@rossbridge.church

Winter Retreat

For this year's Winter Trip we are going to............Nashville!!!!

The Bridge Students will be going to Nashville on February 15-16th. This will be an action packed trip full of fun and adventure!

Click this link to register for the Winter Retreat.. Registration is live now! Registration closes on February the 9th.

The trip will cost is $165 per student and includes transportation, lodging, activities and two meals! Students will need $40 to cover other meals and additional money for any souvenirs. 

The trip cost will rise to $190 for any registrations between January 20th-February 9th. 

QUESTIONS? Reach out to lawson@rossbridge.church

Camp BigStuf · Save The Date!

Does your student(s) enjoy the beach, games, and a camp experience they will remember forever? WELL, I HAVE GREAT NEWS!!!!! Bridge Students (those who have completed grades 7th-12th) will be going to

Camp BigStuf June 9-13th.

Registration begins the last week of February!

QUESTIONS? Reach out to lawson@rossbridge.church

Ministry Engagement