Stay connected on Slack—email Betsy for the link. Note: 20s/30s is moving away from Facebook. Please join in on Slack for event updates, prayer requests and other happenings.


Let’s Taco Bout It + Contemplative Prayer  

FIRST TUESDAYS, MARCH 5, APRIL 2, 6–8 P.M., Leffler House  

Join in for a taco dinner and conversation to start the week. Tortillas, beans, and chips and salsa provided. You are welcome to bring a favorite side. After dinner, the group will head over to the cathedral nave to take part in Contemplative Prayer. RSVP encouraged but not required.

Upcoming dinner hosts:

  • MARCH - Adrienne (
  • APRIL - Julia (

TGIF at Saint Bread 

FOURTH FRIDAYS, 8–9 A.M., MARCH 22, APRIL 26, 1421 NE Boat Street, Seattle, March 22, April 26 

Start the day with fellowship and reflection at Saint Bread, a bakery and community space on the Portage Bay waterfront near UW in Seattle. Seating is outside so dress accordingly for the weather. Questions? Email Hilary (  

First Saturday Run Group—Hosted by 20s/30s

FIRST SATURDAYS: MARCH 2, APRIL 6, 7:30 A.M., meet on the outdoor labyrinth 


All ages are welcome to meet on the outdoor labyrinth in front of the cathedral for a three-mile morning run through Volunteer Park. All paces welcome. Afterward, there will be a chance for fellowship over coffee. Email Adrienne ( or Emily ( with questions. 

Questioning Together + Compline—What is Anglo-Catholicism?  

SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 7:30–10 P.M., Leffler House

Join in for an exploration of Anglo-Catholicism with The Rev. Canon Linzi Stahlecker. We will look back on a brief history of the movement and how it translates to our contemporary context. Theological themes and questions will include a focus on the sacraments, the importance of beauty, and a legacy of social justice. Dessert, tea and hot chocolate will be served. The discussion ends at 9 p.m. and some may choose to head over to Compline at 9:15 p.m. Questions? Email Fraser (

Spring Hike

SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 8 A.M., Meet on the Labyrinth, Trail Location TBD

Mark the first week of spring by hitting the trail and enjoying nature. Meet at Saint Mark’s to carpool. Sturdy hiking shoes, layered clothing, water, and snacks are recommended. Email Adrienne ( to carpool or for any questions. 

Journeying Together in Holy Week

MARCH 24–MARCH 30, cathedral nave and livestreamed

Each day during Holy Week a liturgy is held at Saint Mark’s. Check out the full schedule here. A group of 20s/30s are planning to sit together on the left side (upon entry) of the nave. If you are interested in attending and sitting together, please email Hilary ( or Adrienne (  

Tea after Tenebrae

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 8:30 P.M., Leffler House 

Join in for conversation post-Tenebrae to reflect on the liturgy and share in fellowship over a warm cup of tea. Questions? Email Molly (  

Easter Brunch

SUNDAY, MARCH 31, 12:30 P.M., Leffler House

Continue the festivities of Easter by gathering for brunch and conversation after the 11 a.m. service. Quiche, fruit, drinks, and salad will be provided. Baked goods and sides are welcome! Questions? Email Julia ( 

Questioning Together + Compline—What does it mean to practice evangelism as Episcopalians?  

SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 7:30–10 P.M., Leffler House

Come explore this question with Bishop Melissa Skelton as we discuss ways evangelism can be reclaimed and used as a spiritual practice that is lifegiving and welcoming. We’ll consider how Episcopal/Anglican identity informs this approach in seeking, naming, and sharing Christ’s presence in all persons. Dessert, tea and hot chocolate will be served. The discussion ends at 9 p.m. and some may choose to head over to Compline at 9:15 p.m. Questions? Email Emily (  


What does it mean to explore alcohol mindfully?

This spring, we’ll have opportunities to reflect on the role of alcohol in our culture, our lives, and the church: A discussion hosted at Diocesan House, and a volunteer opportunity at Recovery Café. Contact Molly ( if interested in attending or if you have questions and ideas for further discussion.

Sober Spirituality  

Exploring a mindful relationship with alcohol with author/spiritual director/coach/priest The Rev. Erin Jean Warde 

SUNDAY, MAY 5, 5:30–7 P.M., Diocesan House Great Room (1551 10th Ave. E, Seattle)  

Author, spiritual director, and life coach, The Rev. Erin Jean Warde, will meet with 20s/30s following Choral Evensong to engage in conversation around the challenges and blessings of sobriety. Register here. A copy of the book Sober Spirituality: The Joy of a Mindful Relationship with Alcohol will be provided for registered attendees. Light appetizers and refreshing nonalcoholic beverages to be provided. 

Volunteer at Open Mic Night at Recovery Café  

SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 3:30–6:30 P.M., Recovery Café (2022 Boren Ave.)  

Come sing, dance, read poetry, and cheer for Recovery Café community members. Volunteer opportunities will range from serving at the event to preparing food and decorations. Register here (there is a ticket option for Volunteering).

Questioning Together + Compline—Poetry & Faith

SUNDAY, MAY 12, 7:30–10 P.M., Leffler House  

Doug Thorpe, SPU Professor Emeritus of Literature Doug Thorpe, UW English grad student Molly Porter, and Molly Bosch will facilitate a discussion on poetry and faith. More details TBA.

Upcoming all-parish events with 20s/30s involvement:

SUNDAY, APRIL 7 | Adrienne Hubbard will share about the spiritual practices of yoga and music during the 10:10 a.m. forum on Spiritual Practices for the Easter Season. 

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24 | Rose Hazard and Hilary McLeland-Wieser are helping to plan a Cathedral Commons conversation discussing symbolism in Episcopal Worship.

SATURDAY, APRIL 27 | There are several 20s/30s members who will be confirmed or received in the liturgy at Cathedral Day having participated in Contours of the Christian Life this spring. Please keep them and all who are preparing for confirmation and reception in your prayers.  

SATURDAY, MAY 25 | David Poortinga will lead a bird walk through the Greenbelt at 11 a.m. as part of an Urban Birding Day at the Cathedral.


Resources from January & February Questioning Together: 

Molly Bosch put together this list for Celtic Spirituality and Exploring the Mystics.

Dean Thomason shared this list for "How Much is Enough?" 

On January 6, a group of 20s/30s gathered to share "Caroling Cheer" with residents at Skyline. Due to the number of COVID cases in the retirement community, the group wasn't able to attend, and instead they gathered at Betsy's house and created this video of "O Come All Ye Faithful" to share with Skyline.

Bryan Pansing and Molly Bosch co-facilitated a forum on the Daily Examen and Ignatian Spirituality. Watch the recording and check out the resources here.

Lunch after church in the International District. Hood Famous is a new favorite!

Yoga after sunset—shared by Kellie Roberts


  • The Hive – wellness, spirituality and growth resources developed by the Rev. Dr. Hillary Raining who also served in 2022 as Theologian-in-Residence for Saint Mark’s.

  • Many videos of past forums and presentations at Saint Mark’s—virtual, in person, or hybrid—are now gathered into a YouTube playlist here.

Saint Mark’s Cathedral acknowledges that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People, who are still here, and we honor with gratitude the land itself and the life of all the Coast Salish tirbes. [Learn more]

Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral, Seattle
