21st Century Congregations
Electronic Giving Increases Church Revenues
November 2016 -- Canon Steve Abdow
Studies have shown that implementing electronic giving well at a church can increase overall giving by 10-30%. Yet many churches continue to resist the online, digital revolution taking place. We have a huge opportunity to increase revenues by taking advantage of technology that is readily available, here to stay, and familiar to most of us. It’s easy to implement and use, simple to maintain, and cost effective. Reporting is excellent, and can be integrated with your current donation software.   Consider the following reasons to think differently about how to support the ministry of your church. The people in your pews...
  • Are already online.
  • Are already giving online to other non-profit organizations.
  • Want to give in ways that are part of their normal process.
  • Won't jump through unnecessary hoops.
  E-Giving takes the following forms:
  • Recurring pledge payments made through automatic bill pay through one’s bank or through online giving programs
  • Donate buttons on your website
  • Giving on your mobile device inside or outside your church building (Text to Give)
Online and electronic giving is a rapidly growing giving channel for the person in the pew, but it's not a magic bullet. Leadership has to embrace and encourage these new ways to donate. Leaders must be strategic about implementation, adoption, and promotion for online giving to become an essential part of the funding model.   We have been offered a discounted rate to process online payments offered to all of our churches through TENS (The Episcopal Network for Stewardship) from a company called Tithe.ly. Here is a link to their registration page with the special offer for TENS members. Here’s a link to a comparison of other vendors. All of these vendors websites have links to demo videos which will help you get a better understanding of how this all works.   Here is a link to a recent webinar hosted by TENS featuring Tithe.ly. It’s 50 minutes long, and covers a lot.   To my mind the priorities are:
  1. Getting members to pay their pledges on a recurring basis through online bill pay or through an electronic giving programs
  2. Having a special card for people who give electronically to put in the collection plate. I will be sending you samples in the mail.
  3. Introducing mobile giving through smart phones inside or outside your church building (Text to Give)
  Please contact me with any questions. I have articles I can share and I have spent a good amount of time studying what is available and how it works. I am happy to work with your parish one on one to help you get started.  
Steve Abdow
Canon for Mission Resources

The Episcopal DIocese of Western Massachusetts
37 Chestnut Street
Springfield, MA 01103
(413) 737 - 4786