Make sure to bookmark the Parents As Partners HUB on your phone and laptop for easy access. All important, relevant information for CNG parents is linked in the different sections. Take some time to navigate it!
HS High School
From the Principal’s Desk
This is it! On Monday we begin our first Hybrid Learning 2.0 module and we are so excited to start welcoming students back to school. This week we will have more time in classes, a slightly longer lunch, some time to meet with teachers, and a feeling of school getting more and more back to “normal”. As we enter this next phase, we remind you to please reach out to us with any feedback or concerns you may have. Although we are not always able to solve every issue, it is very helpful to know from a parent’s perspective where our students are achieving success and where they are struggling.
MS Middle School
Dear Parents,
The excitement continues as we prepare to welcome our Hybrid Model and Group A students on campus next week. In addition, this week was the launch of our new 6 hour school day schedule, and by all reports, it has gone well. Students are not only getting more class time, but a longer lunch, more time to connect through advisory, and needed breaks between their classes. Please be sure to look through our Middle School information, which contains important notices regarding grades, our annual NJHS application process as well as upcoming events in the next 2 weeks.
ES Elementary School
Dear ES Families,
Welcome Back to Hybrid Learning. With 79 more students opting-in, we are at 89% of our students on campus for Module 4! Please join us in thanking our amazing ES staff for their hard work to include every student in every learning modality - Hybrid and Distanced. Please read carefully through the CCN as well – lots of new information.
Thank you for your Partnership!
PS Primary School
Dear Primary School Parents!
We are very excited to see our students back on campus. There is a lot of information in this week´s CCN. Please read carefully. If you have any questions please contact or
Thank you again for your continuous support and partnership.
Donald and Paula
Dear parents,
We are so excited to see our students again and to continue working closely with them and seeing their growth and progress. We are also currently working on our mid-year updates, gathering data about our students' growth so we can communicate your child's progress to you in the coming weeks. Your LC Coordinator will be reaching out to you via email to share the updates.
We want to thank our PS and ES parents for their flexibility and understanding as we adjusted some of our intervention schedules to fit our new Hybrid Learning Model. As always, we are here to work in partnership with you so please don't hesitate to reach out to your LC service provider, your LC Coordinator or the LC Administration at any time with any questions, comments or concerns.
Dear CNG Community,
We know how important it is to foster and promote kindness in our world, especially with the current manner of socializing and sharing time with others pre and post Covid.
Kindness has many definitions and probably each one of us has an idea of what it looks like or what it means. Character Strong defines it as “the choice to act with words, gifts or actions to bring appreciation, positivity and encouragement to others and ourselves”. As parents and educators we all would like to see this reflected in our children and students and we all create moments to teach and support the development of this important trait. How can we continue to foster this in present times so we can live as a family, a community and a world with more kindness? Research highlights that we feel happier when we partake in acts of service, thus offering support to others will improve our wellbeing. Other studies note that the “purest form of kindness may have no audience and offer no credit” so kindness without expecting anything in return will help us all. Others have found that we become kinder with repetition: you can practice random acts of kindness and if they don't come easy to you you can try to do one small, kind thing each day for someone and notice the results. One of the most important findings has been that “Kindness starts with being kind to yourself.”
Kristin Neff, Associate professor of Education Psychology in the University of Austin in Texas has been researching, practicing and studying self compassion for over 20 years; she has created instruments to measure and develop practices we can all do to foster more compassion and kindness towards ourselves, thus impacting how we treat others. For further information we invite you to visit her website that includes her amazing research and enclosed is one short self compassion practice link to try today in the uncertainty of these times.
We hope you enjoy this practice and wish you can find many moments to cultivate compassion towards yourself and lead by example so that our children learn how to treat themselves with kindness and this will ripple out to others around them.
Athletics & Condor Activities
Moving into hybrid learning in the second semester, the Athletics teams and Condor Activities will continue to participate virtually. We are all eager to return to campus for some activities and sport. However, with current safety restrictions, we are still not able to incorporate academics with co-curricular activities. For the time being, we will stay strong virtually.
For detailed information, please see the Co-Curricular activities schedule.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact: