On the heels of our successful wolf event where we shone a light on how wolves are allies and are a species that deserves our reverence, not our hatred, Wyoming's wolf hunting season has begun and wolves are already dying. Twenty-two wolves have been killed so far with four of those being in hunt areas one and two outside of Yellowstone. Six more wolves are allowed to be killed in those two units with a total of 35 wolves permitted to be hunted in the other hunt areas.
This photo shows the size of a wolf pup just two weeks before the hunting season begins. Hunting pups is immoral and unethical yet the Wyoming Game and Fish Department refused to set the hunting seasons back to an October 1 start date. The season will go until December 31, except in hunt area 13 where the season doesn't end until March 31. Pups will likely be orphaned when adult wolves are killed through the end of March.
Sport hunting of wolves is ethically unsound and biologically detrimental to the big-picture ecology of Wyoming. We are fighting hard to stop this illogical war on wolves in Wyoming and bring new, innovative techniques and methods to our state for the benefit of wolves, elk, bears, and all the species that rely on healthy ecosystems.
Thank you for your support and for joining us in this fight. We can't and won't stand by idly and won't rest until Wyoming joins the 21st Century and changes it's "management" of wolves.