23 - February 21, 2021
This year, as is a tradition at CNG, we will continue with our yearly celebration of Día de la Colombianidad, which will take place on Thursday, February 25. Students and teachers in their Spanish and Sociales classes have been working on planning the event that seeks to highlight and make visible the Colombian culture in its various aspects and richness.
Dear Parents:

Our first week of Hybrid with Group A has gone very smoothly, and we expect this to continue with Group B this week. If you haven’t read the email sent Friday, February 19 about Module 5 Opt-In/Out, please note that it includes the following information:
  • Grab-and-Go lunch is available through the Diner. During the Module 5 Opt-In, you can select to use Diner services through the link.
  • Transportation is also available during Module 5 through the Opt-in option.
  • The previously existing water stations on campus have been reactivated to allow for the refilling of water containers by students and adults. Please note that due to biosecurity requirements, the mouth bubblers on the drinking fountains are not activated.
If your child has lost his/her touchless entry/exit card, you (or your student) will want to order a replacement by informing the division office and Angie Zabala at angie.zabala@cng.edu. The division office will request authorization from the parent to invoice a replacement card at COP $25,000. Thank you.

We look forward to sharing with you next week the summary results from the Hybrid Survey from December, which we utilized in formulating Hybrid 2.0 with the suggested improvements.

Warm Regards,
OODC is Back!

Now that we are back in Hybrid, students are invited to participate in 2 monthly Out-Of-Dress-Code (OODC) days. Students may ​​come OODC in exchange for a minimum suggested donation of COP 3,000 for Fundación Hogar Nueva Granada​ (FHNG)​.
​Your family may either send in the exact change​ on Fridays with your student, or you can make a one time donation of COP 30,000 equivalent to the 10 OODC days this semester via ​the FHNG website​. Please go to this link: https://www.hogarnuevagranada.org/donate/ and use the Open Donation section. 

​Once again, t​hanks to all the families that contributed to the OODC campaign from August to December we raised $20.445.674 pesos for the 470 students that study at Colegio Fundación Nueva Granada! Well done CNG!


Make sure to bookmark the Parents As Partners HUB on your phone and laptop for easy access. All important information for CNG parents is linked in the different sections, including Hybrid Modules, Athletics and Condor activities!


Dear CNG Community, 

Continuing the recent theme of kindness, this week is focused on being kind in the digital world. Our lives are lived online more and more each year, especially now during the pandemic when we are all forced to spend so much time in front of screens. Now more than ever it is important to remember that we can all be kind online just as we are in our face to face conversations. With that in mind, here are three ways that we can demonstrate kindness online via www.voicesofyouth.org.

One - spread love and not hate online. Whenever we post we should consider the message that we are putting out into the world. Are we saying things to lift people up or to push them down? Try to focus on the positive whenever possible. Shine a light on good things that are happening in the world. Highlight the incredible things that people are doing.

Two - don’t like, favorite, retweet, post, or comment on negativity. Even if we are only posting positive content ourselves, if we bring attention to the negative things that others are posting then we perpetuate the cycle of negativity. Before you bring attention to something online by interacting with it consider the message that it is sending. If it could be seen as negative by someone then don’t click.

Three - disagree respectfully. We all have different ideas and opinions and it is okay to disagree but it is important to do so in a way that does not insult others. If you find yourself engaged in a debate remember to be kind and considerate in your responses. Use facts to argue your case and refrain from negativity.

Keep in mind that what we do on the internet tends to stay there. Be kind and considerate to others whenever you engage with social media. If we all endeavor to be kind online our digital world will be a better place for everyone.

Athletics & Condor Activities

Character Strong recognizes the characteristic of grit (Explanation of grit from Angela Duckworth, TedTalk) as being essential for student success. The Athletics and Condor Activities department would like to acknowledge students who are still working hard outside the classroom and demonstrating their grit and determination to maintain a connection to Athletics and Condor Activities. We want to remind students this week that even though we occasionally feel like we are “spinning our wheels'' perseverance will pay off. CNG will continue working so that students continue to enjoy the programs and continue to enrich themselves. 

For detailed information, please see the Co-Curricular activities schedule.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact: