24,880 Rice Meals Packed and ready to go to Ukraine
This week, April 15-21, we held a Rice Meal Pack at Midwest Mission in order to meet the need for Rice Meals in Ukraine.
For over a year, we have had the opportunity to send meals to those affected by the war. In the midst of the chaos and destruction, there is difficulty in meeting even basic needs - food.
The need is still there, and possibly even greater, as more and more people are displaced from their homes, their country, and their families.
We are grateful for the opportunity we have to help. Together we can show God’s love in a practical way by meeting nutritional needs for Ukrainians.
Through the week, we packed a total of 24,880 meals that will feed 149,280 people in and around Ukraine.
On Saturday, April 15, a woman from Ukraine joined us at the Rice Pack. She wanted to share a thank you with all of those who volunteered. You can watch her video here.
Thank you for your donations, for your prayers, and for your volunteer hours. YOU made this happen.
The tentative date for the meals to be shipped is the last week of April!