Issue 250  | 24 December 2021
Focus on Forests
+ A Year in Review for PEFC,
+ Building up with Venturer
+ DoubleHelix active in Australia
+ Elodie & Eco Matcher

The Art of Travel
+Books for Holiday reading
+Poets in Parenthesis
+Singapore Art Week Returns
+Award winning book launch
ABC Carbon Express x 250 Issues
We made it to the end of another year. There might have been only 8 issues of ABC Carbon Express this year, but as this is our 250th since we started in March 2008, it's an achievement of sorts. Undeterred by the raging pandemic, we're determined as ever to keep our readers up to date with impactful reports and news.
As we produced a full "All at Sea" issue in the middle of the month month - Oceans are Going Through Swift, Stark & Severe Changes - this time we devote considerably more space to our Focus on Forests and The Art of Travel. We remain as hopeful as ever.
Heartened by progress on many fronts and encouraged by the leadership being shown by a select few governments, dozens of well-meaning, well-equipped businesses, a number of dedicated global NGOs/think tanks, and many hundreds of individuals - amateurs and professionals - who we rely on and have great respect for.

Best wishes to all for a
Happy and Healthy,
Clean and Green
Christmas and New Year

From Ken Hickson

Christmas Tree Art by M Hickson handcrafted from recycled materials
Energised & Ready for Another Eventful Year
What Company Directors Need to Know
Here's a preview of what we came up with for the Singapore Institute of Directors Bulletin (due out any day):
For directors who want to better understand and apply the necessary changes needed for businesses to safely head towards the goal of reaching net zero emissions, here are five tools and platforms that could help:
  •  Net Zero Standard by the Science-Based Targets Initiative
  •  Net Zero Readiness Index by KPMG
  •  Climate Governance Initiative
  •  Green Compass by A*Star
  •  Sustainability Reporting by SGX
We also provide insight into what Net Zero is all about and an assessment. of sorts, on COP26. Go to SID for more.
Rocky Mountain Institute's Top Climate Wins of 2021

We are followers of the Rocky Mountain Institute, so pleased to share their Good News of 2021. "This past year saw many memorable moments from vaccine rollouts to a new Ghostbusters movie to Bernie Sanders’ mittens going viral. But it also saw real progress on climate action. PICTURED in a chart showing how six companies are leading the global climate charge. Explore this year’s top wins for the global Energy Transition. Read more.
Focus on Forests: Four News Highlights
An Endangered Tree of Economic, Ecological and Cultural Significance
There's a very good chance that thousands of people around the world will get a gift of sandalwood this Christmas. With its sweet, earthy fragrance, sandalwood oil is immensely popular in incense sticks, candles and perfumes. But maybe its beautiful scent could be its downfall, as Australian sandalwood (Santalum spicatum) is facing extinction in the wild. We start with sandalwood and explore other species which have come under the microscope of Double Helix Tracking Technologies and the University of Adelaide. Read all about it.
2021 PEFC Regional Review:
12 Themes & 65 stories

The PEFC-WAF Prize for the Best Use of Certified Timber in 2021 went to New Zealand with its SCION Innovation Hub by RTA Studio/Irving Smith Architects, located at the edge of the Whakarewarewa Forest Park, Rotorua. Just one of the 65 stories (and images) featured among 12 Themes over 12 months. Besides architectural awards, we covered rubber, furniture, packaging/paper, print, sustainable forestry, fashion, eco-labels, timber buildings, circular economy, forest crime and the healing powers of forests. See it all here.  
Venturing Forth with the Ministry of Tropical Construction & New Ventures

We have done a lot of work with Venturer Timberwork this past year, helped spread the word online/in print and shared views, which have found their way onto YouTube and the Ministry of Tropical Construction. We also introduced Kevin Hill and Venturer to Sanjoy Sanyal and New Ventures, so now you can learn more about the man who has been building with timber across the world. Why not listen to Sanjoy's New Ventures podcast here.
Elodie & Eco Matching Take Tree Planting to New Heights
“We live in the decade of action, and collective effort is required to address the biggest threat to humanity: the climate crisis." That's what Bas Fransen, CEO EcoMatcher told us when his Certified B Corporation announced the appointment of Elodie Lambotte as its Honorary Youth Ambassador. Thirteen year old Elodie, originally from Belguim, is studying in Hong Kong. As a social enterprise in the sustainability space - Eco Matcher plants trees for global organisations - it recognised that it has a responsibility to give Elodie and her peers an opportunity to be part of the solution in relation to climate change. While Elodie says she respects and admires young climate activists around the world, she takes a different approach. "I want people to listen, but I do it by making them laugh, smile, and feel climate change is possible if we just all take a few steps together. So, I made the video with my 'monkey' Jack, representing biodiversity." See it on YouTube here.
The Art of Travel: Books & Events
Singapore Art Week:
A Catalyst of Creativity
Singapore Art Week (SAW) 2022 will run from 14 January to 23 January 2022, with over 100 events with art across the island and online, featuring new works, transnational collaborations, and virtual art experiences. Don't miss the Light to Night Festival which continues to 4 February. Audiences all over the world can access and discover the exciting art in Singapore’s arts and cultural institutions and beyond, or engage in enriching discussions, talks, public art walks and tours. A catalyst of creativity, SAW 2022 continues to be a spotlight, gathering and launchpad for the arts community in Singapore. Read all about it in advance.

Poetry in Parenthesis:
Unearthing a Hidden Talent

Ken Hickson says he's uncovered the otherwise hidden talents of a Singapore poet, who's been profiled before for his role in helping to decarbonise the maritime industry. Two of Sanjay Kuttan's books are discussed/reviewed - Where Fires Rage and In One Breath - and we come up with a word to describe a particular influential "partnership", as well as to acknowledge how a busy professional created space to indulge in a literary episode or two. There's much more to read.
Four Books Launched at Singapore Writers Festival
These four books were launched at the Singapore Writers Festival, and while we've met the authors and read the books, we haven't yet come up with suitable reviews. But we encourage our readers to get hold of them, as they are all well worth a read, for very different reasons. Look out for more - including a review or four - in The Art of Travel/Fifthavenue website.

Book Launch Wins Event Awards
Thanks to Loupe Design, Lions Home for the Elders and Marina Bay Sands, the first ever book launch at the specially design Hybrid Broadcast studio, won three Marketing Event Awards, given out last month by Marketing Interactive Magazine at the ShangriLa Hotel. Pictured are Donovan Tan and Amanda Ting, with Ken Hickson, the author and publisher of "Celebrating Forty Years of Transforming Lives". To see the e-book go to Lions Home.