26 - March 14, 2021
Dear Parents:

In case you missed Dr. Habegger’s presentations to parents this past week, please take a look at this video: https://vimeo.com/521942886 (In case it requests a password, please use CNGCH - same as for our Parents as Partners HUB and the CNG Community Handbook libguide.)

Leadership in each of our divisions will be piloting new instructional strategies such as grouping of students to best accommodate successful student learning during Module 6 for our virtual students as well as those on campus. We will continue to use our live streaming technology in addition to all the new strategies learned from our recent professional development training for teachers with Dr. Doug Fisher. 

Although we anticipate being in full Distance Learning after Semana Santa, we will continue to provide the highest quality instruction for all students and utilize what we’ve learned during Module 6 for subsequent modules.

Warm Regards,
The Uniform Recycling Program facilitates discarding old/small uniforms for CNG families and allows other families to purchase gently used and like-new uniform items at a reasonable price (hoodies are 10,000!). Proceeds benefit FHNG. 
Families can drop off used CNG uniform items at the CNG Main Gate for this program.

Other items are upcycled by High School students, and/or donated to other nonprofit organizations in alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goal #12: Responsible Consumption and Production. Please email marcela.chiaradia@cng.edu if you are interested in purchasing items.

Remember to bookmark the Parents As Partners HUB on your phone and laptop for easy access to important information for CNG parents.


Dear CNG Community, 

As we soak up the exciting news about everyone returning to campus we would like to continue to discuss the many ways in which we can support the students and help them succeed. Here at CNG we hold integrity and honesty at a high standard. We can all agree this is a vital tool to have in life. We want to foster this while here on campus so the tools are gained to succeed in the years after they graduate. Below is a helpful article that also includes ways to increase student integrity.

As always, do not hesitate to reach out to us if you need any support.

Athletics & Condor Activities

Our two-week pilot program for athletics was a great success. On CNGs Instagram account you can find some photos of our student/athletes in action. Since module 6 is both A/B opt-in, the Athletics department will be offering an A/B opt-in Saturday, March 20 training session. The guidelines for registering for Saturday, March 20 will be the same as the previous Saturdays. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact:

Athletics: cng_athletics@cng.edu    
Condor Activities: cng.condor.activities@cng.edu