
The Livin' Room


JANUARY 8, 2023

WHAT IS 2820?

Through 2820 Community Ministry, God is providing opportunities for serving our neighbors in the 35805 area of our city and beyond. A ministry of our Mayfair church family that is hosted in a facility (The Livin’ Room - A nonprofit) located in a strategic area of our city (2820 Governors Drive - 35805), we would love for you to join us in this adventure of faith and service to our community. Current opportunities include ministry to the homeless/displaced (Ex. - ShowerUp Sundays, Sunday Breakfast, Essential Clothing Item Distributions), our Latino friends (Ex. - School supply distribution to Latino children at Ridgecrest Elementary, ESL Summer Camp), special needs neighbors (Ex. - 305 8th Street Valentine Party & Movie Nights), and city housing residents (Ex. - Boys & Girls Club Partnerships, Open Mic Night, Inner City Learning Center Summer Camp) allow us to practice “loving our neighbors as we love ourself”. 



The Livin' Room


Worship At 8:30 AM

ShowerUp - 10 AM - 1 PM

FREE English As A Second Language Classes

2:30 - 4:30 PM 

January 9

His Way Ladies Rediscovery Support Group - 6 PM

Jan 9 - Jan 13

First Stop - 8 AM-1 PM 

January 10

Bible Study

6:30 PM

January 11

Bible Study

1 PM

January 14

Marriage More Abundantly Meeting

5 PM

January 15

Worship At 8:30 AM

2820 MINISTRY Opportunities To Serve...

  • Highlight From Last Sunday At 2820 Worship!... Jeremy Haynes, who delivered the message last Sunday is a recent His Way graduate and began his journey by coming in one Sunday to the 8:30 worship. At least 4 of those pictured in the photo below began their journey to recovery due to their contact, prayers and support of the community meeting there on Sunday mornings. Praise God!
  • VOLUNTEER FOR THE JANUARY 22 SHOWERUP…  Be one of the volunteers (ShowerUp/Serve Lunch/Distribute Some Essential Clothing Items) serving at our January 22 ShowerUp from 10 AM - 1 PM. Contact or click HERE to sign up.

  • HELP WITH WASHING & DRYING TOWELS FROM SHOWERUP… There is a need to wash & dry about 30 towels from our 2nd & 4th Sunday ShowerUps. Towels can be picked up at 2820 Governors Drive and then either returned there or dropped off at Randy Fowler's office. If you could volunteer to take care of the towels from our December 11 ShowerUp - Contact

  • VOLUNTEER TO PROVIDE LUNCH FOR A FUTURE SHOWERUP… If your class or life group would like to provide the meal for a future ShowerUp (2nd & 4th Sundays)...

        Contact or

  •  MEN’S OR WOMEN’S UNDERSHORTS (ALL SIZES) & SOCKS …If you would like to donate undershorts &/or socks to distribute to those in need on ShowerUp Sundays you can get more information and/or bring by donations to Randy Fowler. 

  • HELP WITH FIRST STOP…First Stop will continue in 2023 to serve breakfast & lunch & providing some services for the homeless/displaced in our community during the weekdays at 2820 Governors Drive. They are looking for volunteers and those interested may SIGN UP HERE.

URGENT HELP NEEDED FOR 2023... Betsy Miniclier ( who helps coordinate the supplying & serving of breakfast (biscuits, doughnuts. etc) on Sundays before our worship at 2820 is filling out the 2023 calendar. If you would like to provide a breakfast for one of these Sundays (March 5, April 2, or May 7) or want more information contact Betsy by email.

...If you have ideas or suggestions for other activities/ministries or for additional information on 2820 Ministry, please contact Randy Harvell - or David Thomason at


Next Opportunity At Mayfair To Serve Children In Our Own Neighborhood Is Scheduled For This Wednesday, January 11…

HELP NEEDED TO PACK BAGS OF BLESSINGS ON January 11... Our next date for packing the 100 bags for children at Jones Valley Elementary and NOVA at Wellstone will be this Wednesday, January 11 at Mayfair from 6-6:30PM on the hallway at the back of the fellowship hallTo volunteer or for more information contact Randy Fowler at

 Check out the 2820 Ministry page on the Mayfair Website

Wishing You a Blessed Day!


2820 Governor's Drive

Huntsville, AL 35805

The Livin' Room is a 501 (c)(3) non profit that is providing meeting spaces for local non profits, community service groups, churches, and individuals to serve others and meet needs in our community. For more information on The Livin' Room click the logo above.

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