2nd Annual Wine Tasting Event
Please join us for a special wine tasting event to be held at the DPCA National on Monday, October 3rd.
This fundraising event is being held in the loving memory of Gwen DeMilta, with all proceeds going to her charity of choice “Take the Lead”.
This event will take place before the Top Twenty Conformation competition and will start promptly at 5:00 pm and conclude by 6:45 pm.
Esther “Malia” Milstead, Advanced Sommelier, WSET/CMS, will present us with an array of premium American wines.
This event will be limited to 100 persons. We promise to have a fun, informative affair all in support of such a good cause.
Tickets are available on the DPCA National web page. Cost of individual tickets is $100, to reserve a table of 8 is $800.
If you are interested in sponsoring this event or have any questions, please contact Lita Milstead-Brannan (litabrannan@gmail.com) or Vicki Seiler-Cushman (seilerva@yahoo.com)