2nd King & Queen's Visit to Korea, Japan- Conclusion

“Culling the (Human) Herd” is Real

None of the rulers of this age understood this, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

1 Corinthians 2:8

I want you to live happily. I want you husbands and wives to be truly happy couples. But I also want you to live without any shame in the sight of God or the nation. You must be able to stand with your chin held high, with true pride. What is the secret of living like this? Can you say to the nation, "Give me more. Take care of me"? That brings shame. You must give to the nation. Ask, "What do you need? Let me provide whatever service you need." Even if the whole country came against you, you would have no shame and you could stand with dignity. I am simply saying that you must practice true love. SMM, We Shall Live In The Original Homeland, July 1, 1987

Hello Richard,

On Sunday, we watched a video message recorded by the 2nd King from Suchon, Korea. He spoke about his prophesy in 2015 that judgment would come to the world because of the fall of the Han mother. Seven years later the entire world was “locked down,” with millions dying from a worldwide pandemic and hundreds of millions forced to take an experimental vaccine whose effects are still unfolding. We see the danger of a world war in Europe.  

We should not be surprised. True Father is on the throne. He and his older brother, Kook Jin Nim, had remained faithful.

We also saw the judgment of the “micro” with the crackdown in Japan. As it states in Revelation 18:7, the Han mother declared herself to be a queen and not a widow. The Japanese government is investigating FFWPU practices.  

Greater than material things is God’s lineage. Hyung Jin Nim could have fought against his mother for control of the institutions and assets. After he was driven out in 2013, he and Yeonah Nim were living in the basement of Kook Jin Nim’s house in Pennsylvania. Money comes and goes, but the establishment of God’s Kingdom never goes away. They followed Father at the cost of their reputations. Kook Jin Nim was the victorious Cain, unique in human history.

God was faithful and did not abandon them. They were singing the national anthem in the cold wilderness with deer and bears wandering near by. Now there are hundreds of Sanctuary communities around the world.

2nd King's Message from Korea

Mrs. Erikawa is a tremendous woman of faith. Even though there was potential danger, more than 1,000 gathered in Tokyo to worship together and encourage each other, with 21 couples getting blessed. Our main purpose is to honor God. It was a beautiful offering of love and attendance.

Mark 11 describes Jesus entering the Temple in Jerusalem on a donkey. The King of Kings rode on a humble animal. Christ’s majesty is not in physical accoutrements, but in his relationship with God. Virtue is the pillar of the Godly civilization.

When he was exploring Buddhism in Korea, he met monks who told him that when True Father started his ministry in the late 1940s, he was persecuted. A few saw him go to the mountains for 100 days to pray in a cave. They knew that there was something special about him, and that he would become a world level cosmic figure.

Holy Blessing in Tokyo

If Hak Ja Han had sought to lift up True Father, instead of herself, then the worldwide providence would have confronted the fallen culture of feminism and transgenderism instead of a potential world war 3.

We are moving forward to embrace our Christian brothers and sisters, to anoint them as kings or queens and to establish the Kingdom of God. We should remember and share scriptures like 1 Corinthians 2:8, which states that if the rulers of Jesus’ time had understood, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. Jesus declared for 2 years his gospel of the imminent Kingdom of God. But the faithlessness and rebellion of the Jewish religious leaders led to the path of crucifixion.

Revelation 3:11-12 declares that at the 2nd coming, Christ will have a “new name” and sing a new song that the elders could not understand, and therefore in a different language from Hebrew, Greek, or Aramaic.

People can see that Cheon Il Guk constitution preserves liberty and limited government. We should witness out of love, not desire for status, power or money.


“Culling the (Human) Herd” is Real

As western nations abandon biblical faith, many embrace other grand causes to "save the planet." The Bible commands us to "be fruitful and multiply," but to a growing number of environmentalists, human multiplication and activities are seen as an existential threat to the earth, that must be stopped, by reducing the human population by 85-95%, aka "Culling of the (Human) Herd." Are the increasing adoption and promotion of "assisted suicide" and euthanasia, even for people who are healthy, part of an intended depopulation "solution?"

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Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President

World Peace and Unification Sanctuary - USA

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"Sanctuary Church" is short-hand for "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary" which is from calligraphy on a scroll presented to Hyung Jin Moon by his father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon. The purpose of the "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, Inc." is to "preserve and propagate the Biblically-based teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon."

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