2nd King & Queen's Victorious Visit to Japan

The Great Reset's War on Freedom

Now Joshua was old and advanced in years, and the Lord said to him, “You are old and advanced in years, and there remains yet very much land to possess. Joshua 13:1

Therefore, on each level we have to confront the opposition of our enemies and we have to love our enemies. We must melt them with love and then move up. I want you to understand that I have encountered enemies along every stage of the path of life - on the individual, family, tribal, national and worldwide stages. But I struggled and overcame and embraced the enemy with love. Then I could move on. SMM, We Shall Live In The Original Homeland, July 1, 1987

Hello Richard,

At the beginning of the service, Assistant Sanctuary Pastor Kyle Toffey spoke about the suffering of God. He made the entire creation for his sons and daughters. He was looking forward to seeing Adam and Eve grow up and to have a blessed family. But because of Satan’s investment, that dream was destroyed.

We have to be a church FOR God, not just for ourselves. For us to love God, means to attend God. Gathering to worship is an opportunity to get to know and support each other better. Be ready to welcome new visitors. We have to be the hands and feet, the “hug” and the words of God.

We then watched the 2nd King’s recorded video message from Japan. 

Thank you for your prayers. He begged his mother not to lift up herself at Father's expense. When FFWPU leaders and members came to disrupt his last talk in Japan, he told them, "you are not opposing me, you are opposing True Father!" Now, the hammer of judgment has fallen on the FFWPU. The Han mother prophesied world peace, but instead the world is at war and tribulation.

Because True Father is the victorious 2nd Coming, HJN prophesied that judgment would come due to Hak Ja Han’s betrayal. And judgement came through a worldwide pandemic, followed by lockdowns, censorship, and arrests of citizens for walking on the beach, or posting on Facebook.

2nd King's Message from Japan

Out of the thousands of religions in the world, one is being investigated by the government of Japan. In Biblical history, God allowed harsh events to happen to the chosen people to chastise them and bring them back to His will.

The Israelites should have established their God-centered culture instead of being influenced by the fallen Canaanite practices.

 We have to be accountable to God by seeking truth and justice. We must keep morality at the center of the civilization, but instead the USA spreads its fallen culture and transgenderism to the rest of the world. This is the insanity pictured in the "Fruit Ninja" rap video (see below). Every one of trillions of cells in your body are either XX or XY. Each of us are called to be morally accountable and honest. By engrafting our lives into Christ we can receive true love and life.

1,000 Attended Sunday Service and Blessing in Tokyo

Justice is best decided at the local level. Local authority serves as another check on centralized power. An interview with a Time magazine reporter last week will likely come out in April. Hyung Jin Nim continually states that True Father is the returning Jesus.

It took 40 years for Jesus’s prophecy about the destruction of the temple to be fulfilled. Hyung Jin Nim’s prophecy about worldwide judgment took 7 years. It’s important to pray, train and create strong communities. If one nation accepts the Cheon Il Guk constitution that will become a model for the whole world.


The Great Reset's War on Freedom

We have posted a series of talks called "Vision Wars: New Awakening vs the Great Reset" on YouTube.  This discusses the expansion of freedom, science, technology and prosperity that are described as part of God's providence in the Divine Principle and how these are threatened by the ESG/environmental/systemic racism/biosecurity state, etc. agendas. 

The "Climate Catastrophe" message of environmentalists like Greta Thunberg and Al Gore has been effective in persuading the majority of Millennials and Gen Z that the use of fossil fuels is an existential threat to the survival of the human race and that therefore America and Europe must implement a "Net Zero" Carbon policy to reduce their use of fossil fuels to zero. The fact that the use of fossil fuel energy and the free market have brought billions of people out of poverty is ignored by them.

Also ignored is the increasing abundance in the world that came with the industrial revolutions that started in England and other European nations in the past three centuries with the invention and adoption of steam engines and other mechanical devices in the 18th century, the utilization of coal power in the 19th century, of oil and gas energy and electrical devices in the 20th century, and the digital revolution in the late 20th century. These would not have been possible without the political and economic freedoms rooted in the ideals of God-given rights asserted and adopted in Christian nations, and then spread to the rest of the world.

The World Economic Forum and investment management firms like Black Rock, Main Street and Vanguard are using their vast economic power to enforce "woke" anti-fossil-fuels, systemic racism, transgender, biosecurity state agendas aka ESG (Environmental-Social-Governance) on the nations of the world. In the background, leftwing "alchemists" like George Soros implement a dialectical strategy to promote chaos and racial division in America and Europe while ignoring the crimes of the authoritarian/totalitarian nations like Communist China, Iran, etc. which stand to gain from the decline of the U.S. and its allies.

The Great Reset's attack on free market capitalism and the prosperity it has brought to the world is rooted in an anti-Christian, anti-human agenda. Its advocates openly talk about reducing the world's population by 85- 95%. The silver lining is that patriots and people of faith are waking up and beginning to stand against this power grab by elitists who have contempt for the ideal of God-given rights. Even lifelong leftists like NYU professor Mark Crispin Miller are speaking out about the need to preserve our freedoms as well as the value of faith and family.

Humanity is faced with a juncture between two possible futures. In one is a regression to tyrannical rule by a Davos "Overlord" elite class using the power of advanced technology to track, surveil, and control the populations of the world. In the other future is a distribution of responsibility and decision-making power among human beings who are created in the image of God. While the power grab of the global corporate/government oligarchy can seem unstoppable, with courage and faith we will be able to fulfill God's original purpose for the human race, a world of freedom and responsibility.


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Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President

World Peace and Unification Sanctuary - USA

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"Sanctuary Church" is short-hand for "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary" which is from calligraphy on a scroll presented to Hyung Jin Moon by his father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon. The purpose of the "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, Inc." is to "preserve and propagate the Biblically-based teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon."

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