August 31, 2023
Please be advised GSU has requested for the second time, first August 24 and again today, for availability to return to negotiations between the parties.
Today we received a response; however, they have a number of personnel out of the office and with the long weekend, they will "review everything" and get back to us early next week. It appears WPP executives are not in any hurry to resume negotiations and get back to the business of bargaining.
While we understand the frustration the members are feeling, please know GSU offered availability as soon as possible and we will await WPP's response next week.
Attached, again for your information, the letter sent to Erin Romeo on August 24 outlining the importance of the relationship between the parties and that we get to the table as quickly as possible.
We will be in touch as soon as we have secured further dates. Keep watching your email for updates.
Your Local 5 Bargaining Committee,
Steve Torgerson
Laurie Michalycia
Donna Driediger