Second Sunday of Advent
December 8, 2024
Bar 5:1-9 | Phil 1:4-6, 8-11 | Lk 3:1-6
"Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be made low."
— Luke 3:4-5
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Weekend Mass Times
Saturday, December 7, at 5:30pm (Vigil)
Sunday, December 8, 7am, 9am, 11am, 1pm (en español) & 5:30pm
Online Offertory: PayPal | Faith Direct
Let us pray:
—for the sick, especially Patrick Kelley and Deacon Juan Cayrampoma.
—for the recently deceased, especially Edwin Mbanude.
To add a name to the prayer list of the sick or recently deceased, email Msgr. Jameson. If asking for prayers for a person who is sick, please first get their permission.
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In this edition:
Liturgy, Community, & Ongoing Events
- Advent Brochures
- Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
- Advent & Christmas Volunteers Needed
- Pilgrimage to Paris & Lourdes
Faith Formation
- Advent Retreat
- Advent Lecture
- Transforming Your Pain
- Cathedral Book Club
Hispanic Ministry
- Retiro de Adviento
- La Fiesta de la Virgen de Guadalupe
Caminemos con María
Social Justice
- Adopt-A-Family Christmas Card Drive
- Always God's Children
Music Ministry
Young Adults
Volunteer Opportunities
- Livestreaming Volunteers Needed
& more!
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Liturgy, Community, & Ongoing Events | |
Advent and Christmas Brochures
Please feel free to pick up an Advent brochure from the pews or at the entrance to the Cathedral. You may also view and download the 2024 Advent & Christmas brochure online in both ENGLISH and ESPAÑOL.
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The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Masses for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, December 9 (not a holy day of obligation), will be held at 7:30am, 12:10pm, 5:30pm, and 7:00pm (in Spanish). Cardinal Gregory will celebrate the 12:10pm Mass, which will be livestreamed on the ADW YouTube channel. There will be no Confessions or Eucharistic Adoration. We look forward to seeing you at Mass!
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As we enter this season of Advent, a time of anticipation, hope, and preparation for the coming of our Savior, we are reminded of the importance of community and service to one another. In this spirit, we invite you to consider giving of your time and talents to help support our parish during this special season. There are various opportunities to volunteer:
Sunday, December 15, Lessons & Carols at 7:30 pm - we need Hospitality Ministers, requested arrival time 7:00 pm.
Monday, December 23, Decorating the Cathedral for Christmas, starting at 1:00 pm.
Tuesday, December 24, Christmas Eve at 4:30 pm Vigil and 10:00 pm Solemn Mass of Christmas - Hospitality Ministers needed.
Wednesday, December 25, Christmas Mass at 9 am and 11 am - Hospitality Ministers needed.
Tuesday, December 31, Vigil Solemnity of Mary at 5:30 pm - Hospitality Ministers needed.
Wednesday, January 1, Solemnity of Mary at 9 am and 11 am - Hospitality Ministers needed.
Thank you for your generosity and willingness to serve. May this Advent bring you peace, joy, and abundant blessings. If you feel called to lend a hand, please reach out to our volunteer coordinator Ana Triaureau.
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SAVE THE DATE! Paris & Lourdes Pilgrimage April 30 - May 8, 2025, with Spiritual Director Rev. Msgr. W. Ronald Jameson
Save the Date for the Cathedral's Pilgrimage to France in 2025!
We are excited to announce that we will be visiting Paris and Lourdes, departing from Washington-Dulles on Weds April 30 and returning on Thurs May 8. Join us on visits to The Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, Notre Dame Cathedral, Sacre Coeur Basilica and the Sainte Chapelle! We will also visit the Louvre Museum and see many of the most famous sites of the City of Light! Pilgrims will also have free time to explore Paris on their own! In Lourdes we will visit the site of Our Lady's apparitions at the Grotto of Massabielle! We will also have the opportunity to be blessed by water from the miraculous Spring, attend the daily candlelit procession and pray the Rosary, just to name a few activities.
For more information and to sign up to travel with us, please visit this LINK. Should you have any questions, please e-mail: Maria Menacho, with a copy to Msgr Jameson, and to Fatima Aybar, We look forward to hearing from you!
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Advent Morning Retreat
A new intentional community within the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle: The Mystics
You are cordially invited to be a part of this intentional community! Mystics are people who pray, who experience God and communicate that experience. They pray and study both scripture and the many mystics spanning the history of the Church. For our retreat, we will gather to practice contemplative prayer, study the Christian mystics, and build community. Come to experience the life of a mystic, even if you do not plan to join the community. For more information, please contact L.J. Milone. Saturday, December 7, 9am-1pm, in the Great Hall.
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Advent Lecture
Julian of Norwich, a medieval English mystic, offers profound insight on faith and hope. Join us for a lecture on Julian by Professor Julia Lamm from Georgetown University. Sunday, December 15, 12:15pm - 1:45pm, in the Great Hall.
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Transforming Your Pain
Come to a series of classes on Jesus' way of transforming suffering. We will learn how to work through resentment, grievance, offense, unforgiveness, grief, and fear. The more we let go of our identification with the stories and emotions behind the pain, the more our suffering eases and becomes the peace of God. In these evening classes, you will discover how our hardest and most painful experiences can become doorways to divine life.
December 10 and December 17, 7pm – 8:30pm, in the East Conference Room. For more information contact L. J. Milone.
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Cathedral Book Club
Join the discussion with Fr. Jack this Advent! Our book selection for the month of December is Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives by Pope Benedict XVI.
Thursday, December 19, 7pm - 8:15pm, in the West Conference Room.
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Online Registration is Open
Our Faith Formation Office invites online registration for St. Matthew's Adult Initiation (OCIA, or Order of Christian Initiation) and for our Children's Faith Formation and Sacramental Preparation programs for the upcoming year:
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II Domingo de Adviento
8 de diciembre
Misa en español a la 1pm
Retiro de Adviento | Tiempo de Adviento
Retiro de Adviento, Tiempo de Adviento. ¡Todos están invitados! El sábado 7 de diciembre, de 8:30am hasta las 4:30pm, en el Salón de Conferencias del Norte. Entrada por el callejón al lado izquierdo de la iglesia, a menos que se indique otra ubicación. P. Jaime Robledo y P. Isaac Sagastume.
La Fiesta de la Virgen de Guadalupe
Todos son bienvenidos a celebrar la fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, patrona de las Américas, el jueves 12 de diciembre, cuando el Obispo Auxiliar Evelio Menjívar celebrará una Misa en español a las 7:00pm (rosario a las 6:30pm) en la Catedral. Después habrá música y refrescos en el Salón de Conferencias del Norte.
Caminemos con María | Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Todos están invitados a unirse a nuestra celebración arquidiocesana anual de la fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Cada año, honramos a Nuestra Señora a través de una peregrinación recorriendo las calles de Washington, D.C. La peregrinación comienza en el Santuario del Sagrado Corazón y concluye en la Basílica del Santuario Nacional de la Inmaculada Concepción, donde rezamos en comunidad el Rosario y celebramos la Santa Misa. Sábado, 14 de diciembre, 11:00am - 3:00pm.
Santo Rosario por teléfono en español – todos los días a las 3pm (347-378-0694, PIN 283 201 937#).
Para más información envíe un email a Fátima Aybar o llame a la oficina de la rectoría al 202-347-3215.
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Adopt-A-Family Christmas Card Drive
Spread the joy of Christmas by supporting a family in need. On the weekends of December 7-8 and December 14-15, volunteers will gratefully be collecting donations at the main entrance to the Cathedral. You can mail your donation to our rectory office or bring it to a weekend Mass. You many also donate using Faith Direct HERE.
For more information kindly contact Anthony Arreaga-Cacao.
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Always God's Children
Always God's Children, the Cathedral ministry to persons who are gay, lesbian, or bisexual and their friends and family members.
Sunday, December 8, at 3:30pm in the West Conference Room.
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A Festival of Lessons and Carols
Join us for an unforgettable evening of beautiful choral music and inspiring readings, presented by the Schola Cantorum, Festival Singers, and the Cathedral Lectors. Sunday, December 15, at 7:30pm.
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Cathedral Young Adults Upcoming Events
Book Club
Tuesday, December 10, at 6:30pm
C†YA uses a WhatsApp Community to plan future events, post updates, and stay in touch. Please follow the link for information about how to join. You can follow C†YA on Instagram and Facebook for events and news from our community!
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Volunteer with Cathedral Livestreaming Team
Do you have experience operating livestreaming equipment, or are you interested in being trained to assist with St. Matthew’s livestreaming of Sunday Masses? Contact Msgr. Jameson for more information or to volunteer.
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See you 'round the Cathedral! | | | | |