Saint John the Baptist Catholic School Newsletter

Dear SJB Families,

I am excited because one of my favorite days, St. Patrick's Day, is coming up! I have strong Irish heritage on my father's side, and we celebrate this holiday with enthusiasm every year. I grew up in a town with a significant Irish population, and even non-Irish people pretended to be Irish for a day. When I was twelve, my uncle took me to Ireland for a month. We landed in Shannon and drove around the southern loop, staying in bed and breakfasts almost the entire time. It was an amazing trip, and the Irish people were unforgettable. Everywhere we went, we saw the legacy of St. Patrick. Unfortunately, in this country, we seem to have forgotten the importance of this great saint. While his "day" is a great opportunity to socialize, very few of us know much about him. The following video is a brief overview of some of the amazing things about St. Patrick. After learning more about him, the prayer attributed to him is so much more powerful. Tomorrow, I will wear green for our school celebration. This Sunday is the 17th, so I hope to see you all at Mass in your green as well!


Maggie Javins

A Mother's Hope - Nina

Nina (name changed for privacy) is stage 4 of our program as she delivered back in November. She’s been at A Mother's Hope since August where she’s been getting her strength back after a challenging pregnancy with some complications. She is actively looking for work that will start to build her finances up. She doesn’t have a car so she’s learning to navigate the local bus system which can be challenging. She has a daycare selected and is eager to move into this next part of her journey. Continued prayers for the babies health and strength for Nina as she works toward her version of success.

Lenten Collection - A Mother's Hope

Reminder: We will continue to collect times for A Mother's Hope. Please refer to the list below. Thanks to all of you that have sent it items. We are displaying them by the crucifix on the landing.

1. XL wet and dry Swiffer mat refills

2. Swiffer floor cleaner refill (like this )

3. 39-gallon lawn and leaf bags

4. Plastic food storage containers Rubbermaid like (varying sizes)

5. Keurig coffee/tea pods for Bible study time

6. Tums, Tylenol, Milk of Magnesia

7. Toilet bowl cleaner

8. Feminine Hygiene products

9. Board books for babies

10. Paper Towels

They do have an Amazon Wish List and other needed items that can be found below. I would really prefer students send the items to St. Johns. I want our students to see the good they are doing.

A Mother's Hope Amazon Wish List (but please have items sent to school)

Items Listed on A Mother's Hope Website

Cast List Announced:

  • Click on the picture below to see the cast!
  • Congratulations to all! I am so excited to see this show.


Located in Southeast Asia between the Pacific and Indian Oceans, Indonesia has beautiful beaches, diverse cultures and the world’s fourth largest population. Many of the country’s more than 17,000 islands are in the Ring of Fire, where volcanic eruptions and earthquakes are common. Climate-related disasters such as cyclones are also becoming more frequent and destructive. Find out how—with the support of Catholic Relief Services and generous communities like yours—Evita and her disaster preparedness group are working to keep their community safe.

Rice Bowl


3/25 & 4/8 Lunch Order

  • Lunch Order form MUST be returned by Monday, March 18th.
  • Students receiving Free lunches must also fill out this form.

Lunch Form

Dress Down Day

Bring a monetary donation for A Mother's Hope and you can wear school appropriate sweats or jeans (no rips or tears) with your green shirt. If you don't have a green shirt, wear a St. Johns or Bishop Luers shirt, sweatshirt, or hoodie.

Calendar Changes

  • No School on April 8th. There is a solar eclipse this day at dismissal time. Many surrounding school districts are also canceling school to ensure student safety at a busy drive time.

8th Grade DC Trip

  • 8th Graders will be serving donuts after the 10:30 AM Mass on 3/17.
  • Please make sure to submit permission slips.
  • Start making payments on Eventlink or send in a check/cash to school.

Report Cards will be sent home on Monday 3/18

24-25 Registration Re-enrollment Open

  • Re-enrollment emails with snapcodes for the 24-25 school year were sent via email. (If you don't get an email, please contact
  • As of March 4th, the re-enrollment fee increased to $150. The fee will increase to $200 on 4/30.
  • We already have 279 out of 295 students registered. Thank you!
  • Some grades are nearing capacity. The current 7th grade only has 5 open spots. We have had several calls regarding new students.
  • New Student Enrollment is now open.
  • It is imperative that we know how many students are returning. Hiring teachers is a difficult task in the current market. If we need more teachers due to class size, we want to post those position early so we get the best candidates.

Congrats Marie!!

Congratulations to St. John's 8th grader Marie Lepley. Marie competed in the Northeast Indiana Divisional Swim Meet last weekend . She placed in the top 10 in four of her events. Great job Marie, we are so proud of you!

If you are not sure if you order a yearbook, please email She needs your child's name and teacher. There have only been 62 yearbooks order for the entire school.

YAC News!


Spring Sports Registration

  • Each student will need a physical and CYO form completed. (If they have already played a sport this school year, we have one on file).
  • YAC fee of $35 and Uniform Deposit of $50 due at registration.
  • YAC fee and Registration forms can be completed on Eventlink

Eventlink Registration


Track Assistant Needed

The SJB track and field team need a female coach to be present at practices. Please contact Joe Javins if interested at 260-312-2073

YAC Seeking New Members

The Youth Activities Committee (YAC) is looking for new members. YAC is responsible for organizing/supporting school athletics and other extra-curricular activities. We meet approximately 6 times per year for an hour or so. We also organize Turkey Bingo. Please reach out to the school office if interested in joining.

Middle School Winners

Throughout the week teachers in middle school collect names of students going above and beyond, whether it is helping a classmate, participating in class, answering hard questions, volunteering at Mass, etc. Then once a week each middle school teacher draws out a name from their collection to get a small prize. All names eligible for the drawing are placed on a bulletin board in the middle school hallway for all to see. 

This week's winners were:

  • Davin Weaver - Mrs. VanFossen ELA
  • Andy Flores - Mrs. Sturm ELA
  • Yarely Sanchez - Mrs. Henry MATH
  • Isabella Nino - Mrs. Zimmerman RELIGION
  • Norah Pleus - Ms. Glenn SCIENCE
  • Julissa Nino- Mrs. Welling SOCIAL STUDIES

SJB Uniform Store Store Open

This Week at St. Johns

Lost and Left

Do any of these items look familiar?

Please check for missing items! The gloves seem to be reproducing!

SJB in the Community!

We would like to celebrate the accomplishments of our students and alumnae outside of our school! If your child has participated in an event (ex. danced in the Nutcracker, won an award, hiked the Appalachian Trail, etc). Please let us know by completing the attached form and we will put a little blurb in the newsletter. If you have a picture to go along with your event, email it to We want to celebrate with you!

SJB in the Community Form

Do you know someone who would like to receive our weekly newsletter?

Our weekly newsletter is a great way for grandparents, alumni, and friends to stay connected to our school. Have them complete the following information to receive our newsletter updates.

Sign Up Here

Substitute Teachers Needed

We are in need of substitute teachers. In order to be a substitute, you must apply with the diocese and hold a valid substitute license from the state.

  • Diocesan information located here.
  • Valid Substitute Permit application from State found here.
  •  Licensed or Retired Teachers - $125 per Day/ $75 Half Day
  • High School Diploma and Valid Substitute Permit - $100 per day/ $60 Half Day

  • 3/14 End of 3rd Quarter
  • 3/17 - 8th Grade Serves Donuts after 10:30 AM Mass
  • 3/18 Report Cards Sent Home
  • 3/26 6th Grade Seder Meal