Darla Henry & Associates
In This Issue
We were happy to welcome the Tamassee DAR School in SC and Christian Family Care of Pheonix, AZ to the 3-5-7 Model © Family in September and to be spending more time with our Mississippi friends!
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October  2015

With all of t he traveling that that we've been doing over the last several months, I've been thinking a lot about how we get from one place to another. I have always had a sixth sense about knowing which way to turn en route from one place to another. And in many ways I "go off of my gut", instead of using my GPS. Sometimes in our work, we "go with our gut" too, but, we also have tools provide within the
framework of the 3-5-7 Model© that can help us know what direction to go in to help our youth and families.  As workers, we wonder how we will get there with our kids. In this issue, we will explore how to follow the G uided Approach to Permanency  that the 3-5-7 Model© provides, while trusting the process along the way.

How will I get there?
Covering the Same Ground Along the Way- How Will I Get There?
While sometimes youth may take a direct path on their journeys, most often, they circle around one event or relationship over and over again to get where they need to go (Look kids, Big Ben!  Parliament!)    Consider this: 
Children grieve and reconcile losses in the context of a relationship (Wolfelt, 1996). When the relationship-building process is terminated, children experience new losses, and further their grieving needs. As the attachment process is "recycled", children build relationships through the establishment of trust and perceptions of security and safety. Safe relationships enable children to reconcile losses as they move through placement into relationships within new families.  As children do this, they are moving through integration into the actualization phase.   The repetitive interactions of a reciprocal attachment process, with elements of stability, continuity, and mutuality, will assure that children and families are building more permanent relationships.

(Excerpt from   Henry, D. (2005). The 3-5-7 Model: Preparing children for permanency.  Children and Youth Services Review.)
Just as our youth require that their needs be repeatedly met through the attachment cycle as they build relationships, likewise you may notice that some youth tell their stories many times over.  Keep in mind:
By listening to them as they tell their stories, we are able to help them clarify past life events, integrate their relationship experiences, and support the actualization of connections as they continue their life's journey. It is most likely not a quick journey, often requiring many "tellings" of their stories as they express many feelings about those events. It is a sorting out, a claiming of real emotions, a sense of the found of what may have been lost to them. In doing their work, children and youth are able to find answers that make sense of their experiences.
(Excerpt from The 3-5-7 MODEL, A Practice Approach to Permanency, Stories of Hope and Healing for Children, Youth and Families.)

3-5-7 Model© Readiness Continuum 
The 3-5-7 Model© Readiness Continuum provides an organized framework by which workers can evaluate their observations and understanding of the youth's experiences.  The tool can help workers describe the youth's behaviors within the tasks of Clarification, Integration and Actualization.  The 3-5-7 Model© Readiness Continuum can help workers more readily identify in what areas and in which ways youth are navigating the tasks.  Identifying where our children are in the process of resolving grief and re-building relationships allows workers to select activities and to offer experiences that are most likely to enhance and support the youth's evolution to the next task.  

The  3-5-7 Model© Readiness Continuum was designed to promote a more intentional approach to supporting the work of grieving losses and re-building relationships, helping workers to rely on more than "a gut feeling" when working with youth.  The Readiness Continuum has many applications in supervision settings as well. The tool can be used to guide a supervision discussion that helps prepare the worker for their next interaction with the child or youth, and can be used to help workers think critically about what they are seeing in their observations and the information they have received from others who are working with the child or youth. 

Know and use today's 3-5-7 Model©!  If you had training prior to the development of the Readiness Continuum, get in touch with us to learn about this and the additional tools and resources that have been added to our program.