A Way to Help NOW in the Ukraine through a new global missions partner...
A note from Victor Kubik concerning their ministry approach to this disaster;
"Ukrainians displaced or suffering from recent military action need help. And you can make a difference. LifeNets has been engaged for more than two decades in helping Ukrainian groups, including children refugees from the first Russian invasion. Please consider a personal donation to the LifeNets Ukraine Emergency Fund. As an apolitical humanitarian 501 (C) (3) organization, LifeNets provides direct aid to groups and individuals on every inhabited continent.
We ask you now to please consider a tax-deductible donation today." Victor Kubik
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THIS Issue...
Reaching out into the Ukraine through Samaritans Purse and LifeNets
by Pastor W. C. Hicks
Dear Friends, Brethren and Co-workers;
Greetings in the name of Jesus! Now we face the threat of war in Europe and the promised destruction of Ukraine by dictator Vladimir Putin. This war on Ukraine has been going on for more than 30 days! The dictator Putin continues his crimes!
It's time to fast and pray for God's intervention and Christ's soon return! However, rather than reel from all the news of late perhaps you would like to support a project or two for the Ukraine. You can support through this ministry and earmark your offerings accordingly or fell free to support them directly. We are working through both Samaritan's Purse and plan to fund LifeNets Ukrainian effort as well. We have sent funds from some of you already to work in Ukraine! I know and respect Victor Kubik, himself of Ukrainian heritage, and who worked with the same groups I did in the Ukraine a few years ago. Please help Ukraine while we still can! Thank you to all of you that already who have given!
I need to apologize for my slowness in getting our studies in the gospel of John online but I hope you understand our limitations with all that is going on at present.
In this book of John we have studied issues that occurred before the universe and time began. In the beginning was the Word… and the word was with God… and the Word was God. God created everything through this WORD! All the work of creation was accomplished by Him. Then He rested from all His work on the Seventh Day of creation. He entered into his ETERNAL rest back then. He completed the physical creation and rested on the Seventh solar day (YOM Heb.) and hallowed it. But Genesis does NOT record that the “evening and morning” were the Seventh Day for God… because he entered into His eternal rest from making all the things that He created way back then. Yet, the WORD, the one of a kind Son of GOD that made all things, became flesh and came to do the WORK that only He could do to give US rest. Today He will show us that although HE and the Father have rested from creating, they sustain and meet the needs of what they have created EVERY DAY. God has done his most marvelous work of redemption during his rest from creation. He teaches us that all we need to do to enter into His rest is to come to Jesus. Even when Jesus was resting, going from one place to another, He took the time to bring people rest from their pain, hunger, disease, and most of all their sin!
3 - New John Studies added below!
Here is some more of our gospel of John Study online as well. I hope to add some more soon! Thank You for your patience.
- Introducing God in the flesh!
- John the Baptist
- Firsts in Jesus' Ministry
- Religion Meets God
- A Man of God
- If You Knew the Gift
- Even On the Sabbath Day
- More Glory
- Jesus, The Bread of Life
- Jesus, Divides the People
Finally, I thank God the Father for sending His son to be the ONLY sacrifice that saves. I thank the Lord Jesus for His patience in submitting willingly to the heavenly Father’s decision on when all this mess, brought about by our sin, will finally come to an abrupt and final end! Until then, I pray for the blessing of God’s Holy Spirit to be the faithful witnesses He demands from these difficult times. I know our ONLY SURE HOPE rests in out Almighty God.
I remain yours because HE LIVES!
Bill Hicks
Comments or questions? I hope you are feeding on the Word of God with us! If you have a question, please don't hesitate to email me at...
NEED ENCOURAGEMENT? I would share a recent study in our little church here in Eastern Tennessee to help you keep your bearings no matter the outcome; Click the highlighted text below to listen to!
- this teaching reminds us that God alone promises and can secure our sure salvation!
This ministry is a 501(C)3
tax deductible ministry