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Update -
August 13, 2010
this issue:
3 Things Every Programmer Should Know About RMA
How Not to Set a Bad Example
Master Firmware at Embedded Software Boot Camp
The Top 10 Firmware Flaws Course is Coming to Boston
Industry News You Can Use
Firmware Update is a free newsletter by embedded software expert Michael Barr. It is Copyright 2010 by Netrino, LLC, but may be reprinted for non-commercial purposes. Please forward it to colleagues who may benefit from the information. |
3 Things Every Programmer Should Know About RMA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
systems design and RMA go together like peanut butter and jelly. So
why is it that wherever I go in the embedded community, engineers
are developing real-time systems without applying RMA? This is a
dangerous situation, but one that is easily remedied by ensuring
every programmer knows three things about Rate Monotonic
Perhaps you think RMA is just for academics. I also thought that way years ago-but here's the straight dope. |
How Not to Set a Bad Example ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
a month ago, fellow embedded guru Nigel Jones bought an ARM
evaluation board from his favorite compiler vendor. He bought this
particular board in part because it came with a lot of example code
showing how to configure the peripherals in the ARM processor. To
his dismay, the example code contained a plethora of shoddy coding
practices. In a series of five blog posts, he has described some of
the most egregious things in the code - as well as how the code
should have been written to set a better example.
Master Firmware at Embedded Software Boot Camp ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
![]() This hands-on workshop is a one-week skills strengthening program for embedded software engineers. The intensely educational (but fun!) program will be taught by me personally. And I guarantee that you will be a better firmware engineer by the end of the week if you join me. |
The Top 10 Firmware Flaws Course is Coming to Boston ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Monday, September 20th, I'll be in Boston just as the Embedded Systems Conference is kicking off. Come
meet me and hear what I have to say about the The Top 10 Firmware Flaws. The subtitle of this
informative half-day session is "How to Find, Fix, and Prevent the
Nastiest Bugs". Don't miss it.
Industry News You Can Use ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
static analysis tool now enforces Netrino's Embedded C Coding
Standard. Details:
India's electronic voting machines are vulnerable to fraud. Video and technical paper: Another firmware bug in the news: $42.9 million slot machine win should have paid $20.18. Denver Post story: The truth about Light Saber technology: Students, meet your new teacher, Mr. Robot: The brave new world of robotic teachers. Unpiloted, automated passenger aircraft: coming to an airport near you. Excellent ref on bit twiddling at My favorite - find the least significant bit: ((v & -v) * 0x077CB531UL) >> 27 Some thoughts on a portable device driver framework for embedded systems: The Trouble With Multicore! Chipmakers are designing processors that most programmers can't handle. According to the India Semiconductor Association, there are over 100,000 embedded software developers in India. #embedsys #escindia #wow You don't need a fab to build your own CPU! Do try this at home: |
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