Strategy in Motion
March 2018 Newsletter

  Darcy Misiak Bien, Strategic Planner
Darcy Bien

Join Us for Strategic Planner Training!

You're invited to attend our next Strategic Planner Training & Certification session.

The Partners in Change training program helps increase your organization's strategic competency.

Contact us for more information about the next training session.  

It's All About Implementation
As many of you know, strategic planning takes time to gain the alignment you need, and it's a challenge to finalize all the details. Unfortunately, the plan is the easy part!

Statistics show too many companies fail at putting the plan into action and moving to the implementing phase. We get stuck waiting for perfection and all too often "put it on the shelf."

Less than 15% of companies track strategic objectives.

Studies show if companies don't track goals, then they are less likely to achieve them. Our vision at Partners in Change is 100% Implementation by Our Clients. We focus on the implementation phase and have developed the Implementation Checklist showing Monthly, Quarterly and Annual activities. To help facilitate implementation success, we highly recommend you download and use our free Implementation checklist.

We also recommend these three tips:
  1. Establish your own implementation schedule and consider 3 distinct leadership teams: weekly Executive Team, monthly Strategic Team and monthly Operational Team. 
  2. Develop formal agendas and ensure teams are prepared with data and follow-ups.
  3. Review and adjust the plan often. The strategic plan should be a living document and updated at least quarterly.
For more information on how to ensure the successful execution of a strategic plan, read our recommended blog post below:
In the Spotlight: The Complete Strategic Planning Tool Kit
Partners in Change is here to help you through the entire strategic planning process from data gathering, through plan development and, most importantly, a successful implementation phase.

We have pulled over 20 tools together supporting our Strategy in Motion process: 
The tools include surveys, competitive/market analyses, stakeholder objectives and strategy summary tools. All are in Word and Excel files, so you can customize as needed.

We offer a complete Strategy in Motion tool kit for $49 or free individual strategic planning tools, all designed especially for small to medium-sized businesses. 

Click the link below to discover and download the tools that can help propel you to even greater success.
Our Purpose is to Be Your experienced guide helping plan your organization's future.

Our Core Values are Lifetime Learners, Challenging the Status Quo, Feedback is a Gift, Strategy is Energizing and Fun.

Our Vision is 100% Implementation by Our Clients.