Spring-Loaded Center Punch
Punches are designed to create a dimple in the door, making it easier for you to drill holes precisely where you need them and to help prevent screws and drills from "wandering." Traditional punches require a hammer, and it's not easy to hold the template,
the punch, and the hammer all at the same time. (Hint: if it's a paper template, tape it to the door.)
Enter the spring-loaded center punch. When pressed against the door, it stores energy in a spring, eventually releasing the punch, producing the dimple.
Floor Wedge with Lanyard
When using a template, whether paperless or not, to mark the door and frame you must hold the door firmly closed. This isn't always easy to do. Using a common floor wedge attached to a short lanyard will allow you to hold the door firmly closed. While standing on the push side of the door, with the door slightly open, place the floor wedge on the pull side of the door and slide the lanyard under the door. Now, pull the lanyard so the floor wedge closes the door and slides up snug against the pull side of the door. You will be able to hold the door closed by pulling on the lanyard, allowing you to mark your holes with accuracy.
Welder's Magnet
For use on hollow metal doors and frames, a pair of welder's magnets will hold a door closed so you can work on it without needing a second person to hold the door closed from the pull side.
Cylinder Wrench
Exclusive to Detex, the cylinder wrench provides a secure positive grip when tightening the Detex mortise nut. It's great for use on the Detex EAX alarms, Detex exit devices requiring cylinders and any Detex product using a Detex mortise cylinder / nut.