The people served by MCCH are facing enormous hardship due to the COVID-19 health crisis. We need your help, and the help of your community, to provide targeted support to help keep them safe and healthy. We ask that you forward this message to your online community to spread the word!
Please consider helping in some of the following ways:
1. Contribute to the MCCH Care During COVID-19 Fund
This community health crisis is going to affect MCCH and our clients immensely. We are in need of funds to provide meals to the men at our shelter, ensure our formerly homeless clients in their homes scattered across the county are safe, and continue to support our dedicated staff during this time. We have determined that MCCH will need an additional $150,000 to keep our clients and community safe and healthy during this time of need.

We understand that this moment of uncertainty is a trying time for our personal families and our finances. However, we believe this is the best time to give and do more for our community if you can. Even if you can give $5, your contribution will make a difference.
2.Provide a Meal for the Men at Our Shelter
  • Order a meal for 170 from a nearby restaurant to support a local business
  • Prepare a meal for 170 men
  • Make breakfast or lunch bags in small batches of 10, 20, 30, or 40.

Visit our Sign Up Genius for more information on donating a meal and safe meal prep practices.

Meals can be dropped off at our men's emergency shelter at 6 Taft Court, Rockville MD 20850 . There will be a no-contact drop off procedure to ensure the safety of volunteers, staff, and clients. Questions? Contact
3.Donate Supplies for the Shelter and Formerly Homeless Clients
  • Drop off cleaning/safety supplies
  • Drop off nonperishable food items
  • Drop off grocery store gift cards of any amount

All items can be dropped off at our men's emergency shelter at 6 Taft Court, Rockville MD 20850. There will be a no-contact drop off procedure to ensure the safety of volunteers, staff, and clients.
Thank you for your continued support of our clients and staff as we face this health crisis. We believe that if we can amplify the voices and needs of our most vulnerable neighbors and work together as a community, we can overcome this challenge.
405 East Gude Drive Suite 209 Rockville MD, 20850